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  • 博客访问: 134065
  • 博文数量: 51
  • 博客积分: 3010
  • 博客等级: 中校
  • 技术积分: 400
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2007-05-22 14:47






分类: IT职场

2008-09-03 23:00:10

Source: Career Centre





2842 South Plaza

Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N5

March 12,


C. David Johnson

Director of Personnel

Prarie Bank

490 Laurier Avenue

Calgary, Alberta T4N 8H5


Dear Mr. Johnson:


The accompanying resume is in response to your listing in the Calgary Herald for a security officer.


I am especially interested in this position because my experience as a senior security professional in the financial district has prepared me for a disciplined, secure work environment and the challenges associated with unexpected events. I'm looking forward to using this experience for enhancing the security of a growing and community-conscious bank.


I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my experience will best meet your needs. My ideas on how to improve your bank's security posture may be of particular interest to you. Therefore, I will call your office on the morning of March 17 to inquire if a meeting can be scheduled at a convenient time.


I look forward to meeting you.


Sincerely yours,




Joyce Dale







821 Stevens Points

Burnaby, BC 01990

April 14,


Eric Peterson

Director of Personnel

Flyways Services

6311 W. Dover

Burnaby, BC V5A 1S8


Dear Mr. Peterson:


At the suggestion of my colleague, Mathilde Khan, a Flyways Services airline pilot based in Edmonton, I am writing to inquire about a flight crew or pilot position with your company. I offer 3 years of professional flight experience with 2,000 total flight hours logged. Competent and knowledgeable in the field of aviation, I have an impeccable flight and safety record. My resume is enclosed for your review.


Most recently, at United Airways, I served as captain on the BN 2A and first officer on the DC 3. In this capacity, I received frequent commendations from the passengers for conducting smooth flights. I effectively handled difficult and dangerous situations while maintaining the highest emphasis on safety. Previously, as first officer at Air Canada, I gained expertise in Cockpit Resource Management. My background includes Flight Instructor experience - I taught 40 Students and assisted more than 10 students in obtaining their licenses.


I am presently seeking to join a company that offers opportunities for growth and advancement. I have followed your company for the last few years and have been impressed by your dedication to service and excellence. Northern Flyways Services is a leader in delivery service with a global reach - I would be proud to be a part of Flyways Services' continued success. I bring to Flyways Services strong leadership competencies, solid judgement, troubleshooting, and decision-making abilities. I am also young, energetic, and committed to achieving corporate goals.


If you are interested in a self-motivated and highly competent candidate, we should speak. I am willing to relocate, and am available for an interview at your convenience. I appreciate your time, and look forward to speaking to you.


Sincerely yours,


Kristine Kellerman


Post-Informational Interview


9910 Thompson Drive

Moncton, NB E1C 5N3

June 21,


Jane Evans, Director

Evans Finance Corporation

2122 Forman Street

Moncton, NB E2J 8N4


Dear Ms. Evans:


Your advice was most helpful in clarifying my questions on careers in finance. I am now reworking my résumé and have included many of your thoughtful suggestions. I will send you a copy next week.


Thanks so much for taking time from your busy schedule to see me. I will keep in contact and follow through on your suggestion to see Sarah Cook about opportunities with the Greater Moncton Finance Company.






Daryl Haines





Post-Job Interview



2962 Forrest Drive

Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

May 28,




Andrew P. Harris

Director, Personnel Department

Southern Ontario Products Incorporated

7229 Lakewood Drive

Waterloo, Ontario N3L 4G4


Dear Mr. Harris:


     Thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the marketing position. I appreciated your hospitality and enjoyed meeting you and members of your staff.


     The interview convinced me of how compatible my background, interest, and skills are with the goals of Southern Ontario Products Incorporated. As I mentioned during our conversation, my experience as an international sales representative has prepared me well for direct sales opportunities in Canada as well as in the U.S. and Germany. I am confident my work for you will result in increased profits within the first two years.


     For more information on my success as a sales rep, please contact David Garayt at 202/726-0132. I spoke with David this morning and mentioned your interest in this program.


     I look forward to seeing you again.


Sincerely yours,




Thomas Potman







Job Rejection



564 Wellington Street

Sherbrooke, QC J1H 2X2

April 29,




Réné Dubois, President

S.T. Ayer Corporation

6921 King Street

Sherbrooke, QC J0H 4N1


Dear Mr. Dubois:


     I appreciated your consideration for the Research Associate position. While I am disappointed in not being selected, I learned a great deal about your corporation, and I enjoyed meeting with you and your staff. I felt particularly good about the professional manner in which you conducted the interview.


     Please keep me in mind for future consideration. I have a strong interest in your company. I believe we would work well together. I will be closely following the progress of your company over the coming months. Perhaps we will be in touch at some later date.


     Best wishes.


Sincerely yours,




Martin Tollins







Job Offer Acceptance


7694 James Court

Dartmouth, NS B6Y 2A8

June 7, 2001


Judith Greene

Vice President

East Coast Airlines

2400 Van Ness

Halifax, NS B3J 3A5


Dear Ms. Greene:


I am pleased to accept your offer, and I am looking forward to joining you and your staff next month.


The customer relations position is ideally suited to my background and interests. I assure you I will give you my best effort in making this an effective position within your company.


I understand I will begin work on July 7, 2001. If, in the meantime, I need to complete any paperwork or take care of any other matters, please contact me at (902) 777-1234.


I enjoyed meeting with you and your staff and appreciated the professional manner in which the hiring was conducted.





Joan Kilmer




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