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2010-06-10 13:43:06

Package management

Install package 
Install a package(s) by name
  • rug install
  • apt-get install
  • smart install
  • yum install
  • zypper install
Remove package 
Remove a package(s) by name
  • rug remove|erase
  • apt-get remove
  • smart remove
  • yum remove|erase
  • zypper remove
Search package (Fulltext) 
Search for package(s) by searching the expression in name, description, short description.
What exact fields are being searched by default varies in each tool. Mostly options bring tools on par.
  • rug search
  • apt-cache search
  • smart search
  • yum search
  • zypper search
Update Packages 
Install packages which have an older version already installed
  • rug update
  • apt-get upgrade
  • smart upgrade
  • yum update
  • zypper update
Upgrade Packages 
Another form of the update command, which can perform more complex updates -- like distribution upgrades. When the usual update command will omit package updates, which include changes in dependencies, this command can perform those updates.
  • apt-get dist-upgrade
  • yum upgrade
  • zypper dup
Reinstall given Package 
Will reinstall the given package without dependency hassle.
  • apt-get --reinstall \ install
  • smart reinstall
  • zypper install --force
Install local package 
Installs local package file, e.g. app.rpm and uses the installation sources to resolve dependencies
  • yum localinstall
  • zypper install
Update with local package 
Updates package(s) with local packages and uses the installation sources to resolve dependencies
  • yum localupdate
  • zypper install foo.rpm
Fix broken dependencies 
Use some magic to fix broken dependencies in a system
  • apt-get --fix-broken
  • smart fix
  • rug* solvedeps


Download the given package 
Only downloads the given package(s) without unpacking or installing them
  • apt-get --download-only
  • smart download


Remove unneeded dependencies 
Remove dependencies that are no longer needed, because e.g. the package which needed the dependencies was removed.
  • apt-get autoremove


Fetch source package 
Downloads the corresponding source package(s) to the given package name(s)
  • apt-get source
  • zypper source-install
Satisfy build-dependencies 
Install/Remove packages to satisfy buid-dependencies. Uses information in the source package.
  • apt-get build-dep
  • zypper si -d
Add package lock 
Add a package lock rule to keep its current state from being changed
  • rug* lock-add
  • smart flag --set lock
  • apt (through pinning and priorities -- complex!)
  • zypper addlock
Delete package lock 
Delete a package lock rule
  • rug* lock-delete
  • smart flag --remove lock
  • apt (through pinning and priorities -- complex!)
  • zypper removelock
List all package lock rules 
Show a listing of all lock rules
  • rug* lock-list
  • smart flag --show lock
  • /etc/apt/preferences
  • zypper locks
Add a checkpoint 
Add a checkpoint to the package system for later rollback
  • rug* checkpoint-add


Remove a checkpoint 
Remove a checkpoint from the system
  • rug* checkpoint-remove


List all checkpoints 
Provides a list of all system checkpoints
  • rug* checkpoints


Rollback packages 
Rolls entire packages back to a certain date or checkpoint.
  • rug* rollback


Package information management

Get a dump of the whole system information 
Prints, Saves or similar the current state of the package management system. Preferred output is text or XML. One version of rug dumps information as a sqlite database.
(Note: Why either-or here? No tool offers the option to choose the output format.)
  • rug dump
  • apt-cache stats
  • smart stats


Show full info for package(s) 
Show all or most information about a package.
The tools' verbosity for the default command vary. But with options, the tools are on par with each other.
  • rug info
  • apt-cache showpkg
  • apt-cache show
  • smart info
  • yum list or info
  • zypper info
Search package (Fulltext) 
Search for package(s) by searching the expression in name, description, short description.
What exact fields are being searched by default varies in each tool. Mostly options bring tools on par.
  • rug search
  • apt-cache search
  • smart search
  • yum search
  • zypper search
Show available updates 
Lists packages which have an update available.
Note: Some provide special commands to limit the output to certain installation sources, others use options.
  • rug list-updates
  • rug summary
  • apt-get upgrade -> n
  • yum list updates
  • yum check-update
  • zypper list-updates
  • zypper patch-check (just for patches)
Show all available packages 
Display a list of all packages in all installation sources that are handled by the packages management.
Some tools provide options or additional commands to limit the output to a specific installation source.
  • rug packages
  • apt-cache dumpavail
  • apt-cache dump (Cache only)
  • apt-cache pkgnames


Show package(s) which provide X 
Displays packages which provide the given exp. aka reverse provides.
Mainly a shortcut to search a specific field. Other tools might offer this functionality through the search command.
  • rug what-provides
  • apt (dpkg | grep)
  • yum whatprovides
  • yum provides
  • zypper whatprovides
Show package(s) which require X 
Display packages which require X to be installed, aka show reverse dependencies.
rug's what-requires can operate on more than just package names.
  • rug what-requires
  • apt-cache rdepends
  • yum resolvedep


Show conflicts of package X 
Display packages which conflict with given expression (often package).
Search can be used as well to mimic this function. rug's what-conflicts function operates on more than just package names
  • rug info-conflicts
  • rug what-conflicts
  • smart check


List package's requirements 
List all packages which are required for the given package, aka show dependencies.
  • rug info-requirements
  • apt-cache depends
  • yum deplist


List package's provides 
List what the current package provides
  • rug info-provides
  • yum provides


List files within package 
List the files that the package holds.
Again, this functionality can be mimicked by other more complex commands.
  • rug* file-list
  • yum provides


Get package which contains file 
Search all packages to find the one which holds the specified file.
auto-apt is using this functionality.
  • rug* package-file
  • rug what-provides
  • apt-file
  • yum provides
  • yum whatprovides


List all obsoletes of package 
Display all packages that the specified packages obsoletes.
  • rug info-obsoletes
  • yum list obsoletes
  • apt-cache | grep


Verify system dependencies 
Verify dependencies of the complete system. Used if installation process was forcefully killed.
  • rug verify
  • rug* dangling-requires
  • apt-get check ?
  • apt-cache unmet
  • smart check
  • yum deplist


List installed packages 
Generates a list of installed packages
  • apt-cache --installed
  • yum list installed


List installed local packages  
List packages that are installed but are not available in any installation source (anymore).
  • yum list extras


List recently added packages 
List packages that were recently added to one of the installation sources, i.e. which are new to it.
Note: Synaptic has this functionality, however apt doesn't seem to be the provider.
  • yum list recent


'Search log history 
Show a log of actions taken by the software management.
  • rug history


Clean the local caches 
Clean up all local caches. Options might limit what is actually cleaned.
Autoclean removes only unneeded, obsolete information.
  • apt-cache clean
  • apt-cache autoclean
  • smart clean
  • yum clean


Add package to package cache 
Add a local package to the local package cache mostly for debugging purposes.
  • apt-cache add


Display source package 
Display the source package to the given package name(s)
  • apt-cache showsrc


Generate dotty output 
Generates an output suitable for processing with dotty for the given package(s).
  • apt-cache dotty


Set priority of given package 
Set the priority of the given package to avoid upgrade, force downgrade or to overwrite any default behavior. Can also be used to prefer a package version from a certain installation source.
  • /etc/apt/preferences
  • smart priority --set


Remove priority 
Remove a previously set priority
  • /etc/apt/preferences
  • smart priority --remove


Show all priorities 
Show a list of set priorities.
  • apt-cache policy
  • /etc/apt/preferences
  • smart priority --show


Ignore priority problems 
Ignores problems that priorities may trigger.
  • smart priority --force


Installation sources management

Add an installation source 
Add an installation source to the system. Some tools provide additional commands for certain sources, others allow all types of source URI for the add command.
Again others, like apt and yum force editing a sources list.
apt-cdrom is a special command, which offers special options design for CDs/DVDs as source.
  • rug service-add
  • rug mount /local/dir
  • apt-cdrom add
  • smart channel --add
  • zypper service-add
Refresh installation source(s) 
Refresh the information about the specified installation source(s) or all installation sources.
  • rug refresh
  • apt-get update
  • smart update
  • yum check-update
  • zypper refresh
List all installation sources 
Prints a list of all installation sources including important information like URI, alias etc.
  • rug service-list
  • smart channel --show
  • zypper service-list
Remove an installation source 
Removes an installation source from the list forever
  • rug service-delete
  • rug* unmount /local/dir
  • smart channel --remove
  • zypper service-delete
Remove all installation sources 
Delete all known installation sources
  • smart channel --remove-all


Modify an installation source 
Modify the information of a channel by specifying key-value pairs
  • smart channel --set


Edit installation source information 
Modify channel information with the editor specified by $editor.
Kind of default behavior of apt and yum.
  • smart channel --edit


Disable an installation source 
Disables a source for any actions without removing it from the list of installation sources
  • smart channel --disable
  • zypper modifyrepo --disable
Enable installation source 
Enables a previously disabled installation source
  • smart channel --enable
  • zypper modifyrepo --enable
Rename an installation source 
Changes the alias for the specified installation source
  • smart channel --set
  • zypper service-rename
Show mirrors 
Show current mirrors for the given master URL/installation source
  • rug mirrors
  • smart mirror --show


Add mirror 
Add a mirror to given origin URL
  • smart mirror --add


Remove mirror 
Remove a mirror of given origin URL
  • smart mirror --remove


Remove all mirrors 
Remove all mirrors of given origin URL
  • smart mirror --remove-all


Synchronize mirrors from file 
Take mirrors from a given file
  • smart mirror --sync=FILE


Edit mirrors 
Edit mirror information with your $editor
  • smart mirror --edit


Clear mirror history 
Clears penality data for given origin/mirror
  • smart mirror --clear-history


Show current penalities 
Show the current penalities1 for given origin/mirror
1Misspelled IMHO, but anyways that's how smart implements it
  • smart mirror --show-penalities


Register an installation source 
Register a premium installation source
  • rug* register


List types of installation sources 
List all available types of installation sources
  • rug* service-types


SUSE specific commands

Check for patches 
Check if new packages are available


  • zypper patch-check
Install patches 
Install the specified patches
  • rug install -t patch
  • rug patch-install
  • zypper install -t patch
Show patches 
Display patches (in a given source)
  • rug patches
  • rug patch-list
  • zypper patches
Show information of patch 
Show detailed information for the given patch
  • rug patch-info
  • zypper patch-info
Search for patch 
Search for patches matching a pattern
  • rug* patch-search
  • zypper search -t patch
Show patterns 
Show the patterns in a given source
  • rug* patterns


Show pattern information 
Show detailed information about a pattern
  • rug* pattern-info


Install/Remove patterns 
Actions on patterns are engaged with the same command as the package installation/removal
  • rug* install -t pattern
  • rug* remove -t pattern
  • zypper install -t pattern
  • zypper remove -t pattern
Show products 
Show all products in a given source
  • rug* products


Show product information 
Show detailed information about a product
  • rug* product-info


Install/Remove product 
Actions on product are engaged with the same command as the package installation/removal
  • rug* install -t product
  • rug* remove -t product
  • zypper install -t product
  • zypper remove -t product

Security-related commands

Add a key for a source 
Add a key to the keyring
  • rug* key-add
  • apt-key add


Remove a key 
Remove a key from the keyring for a source
  • rug* key-delete
  • apt-key del


Display keyring 
Show all known key on the keyring
  • rug* key-list
  • apt-key list


Update the keyring 
Check for updated keys and update the local keyring
  • apt-key update


Add a user 
Add a new user
  • rug user-add


Delete user(s) 
Remove users

rug user-delete


Edit users 
Edit an existing user
  • rug user-edit


List user 
List all users
  • rug user-list


Other commands

Start a shell 
Start a shell to enter multiple commands in one session
  • yum shell
  • zypper shell
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