2015-06-24 08:53:05
man了一下我系统的vgcreate,结果如下(因为是通过vgcreate -s 16M vgname /dev/sdc1指定PE大小的啊):
-s, --physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
Sets the physical extent size on physical volumes of this volume
group. A size suffix (k for kilobytes up to t for terabytes) is
optional, megabytes is the default if no suffix is present. The
default is 4 MiB and it must be at least 1 KiB and a power of 2.
Once this value has been set, it is difficult to change it with-
out recreating the volume group which would involve backing up
and restoring data on any logical volumes. However, if no
extents need moving for the new value to apply, it can be
altered using vgchange -s.
If the volume group metadata uses lvm1 format, extents can vary
in size from 8KiB to 16GiB and there is a limit of 65534 extents
in each logical volume. The default of 4 MiB leads to a maximum
logical volume size of around 256GiB.
If the volume group metadata uses lvm2 format those restrictions
do not apply, but having a large number of extents will slow
down the tools but have no impact on I/O performance to the log-
ical volume. The smallest PE is 1KiB
The 2.4 kernel has a limitation of 2TiB per block device.
[root@localhost ~]# man lvm
LVM(8) LVM(8)
lvm - LVM2 tools(奶奶的我的是lvm2呀,linux的书一般精心写完,再发布到市场都太老了,古董啊,蹩脚的研究了一堆都是无用的东西,市面上的linux的书只能作为产考了,时不时的要多看看man了)