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2011-05-31 20:46:14




              The BGI Driver Toolkit





              Creating Device Drivers


             for the Borland Graphics Interface











         Copyright (c) 1988,89 Borland International






                Revision 1


                   May 15, 1989









The Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) is a fast, compact, and

device-independent software package for graphics development built into the

Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, and Turbo Prolog language products. Device

independence is achieved via loadable device-specific drivers called from a

common Kernel. This document describes basic BGI functionality, as well as

the steps necessary to create new device drivers. Accompanying this

document are files containing sample code and other pertinent information.


File Name         File Description


BH.C              BGI loader header building program source

BH.EXE            BGI loader header building program

DEVICE.INC        Structure and macro definition file

DEBVECT.ASM       Vector table for sample (DEBUG) driver

DEBUG.C           Main module for sample driver

MAKEFILE          Build file

BUILD.BAT         A batch file for MAKE-phobics


BGI Run-time Architecture



Programs produced by Borland languages create graphics via two entities

acting in concert: the generic BGI Kernel and a device-specific driver.

Typically, an application built with a Borland compiler will include

several device driver files on the distribution disk (extension .BGI) so

that the program can run on various types of screens and printers.

Graphics requests (for example, draw line, draw bar, etc.) are sent by the

application to the BGI Kernel, which in turn makes requests of the device

driver to actually manipulate the hardware.


A BGI device driver is a binary image; that is, a sequence of bytes without

symbols or other linking information. The driver begins with a short

header, followed by a vector table containing the entry points to the

functions inside. The balance of the driver comprises the code and data

required to manipulate the target graphics hardware.


All code and data references in the driver must be near (i.e., small model,

offset only), and the entire driver, both code and data, must fit within

64K. In use, the device driver can count on its being loaded on a paragraph

boundary. The BGI Kernel uses a register-based calling convention to

communicate with the device driver (described in detail below).


BGI Graphics Model



When considering the functions listed here, keep in mind that BGI performs

most drawing operations using an implicit drawing or tracing color (COLOR),

fill color (FILLCOLOR), and pattern (FILLPATTERN).  For example, the

PIESLICE call accepts no pattern or color information, but instead uses the

previously set COLOR value to trace the edge of the slice, and the

previously set FILLCOLOR and FILLPATTERN values for the interior.


For efficiency, many operations take place at the position of the current

pointer, or CP. For example, the LINE routine accepts only a single (x,y)

coordinate pair, using the CP as the starting point of the line and the

passed coordinate pair as the ending point. Many functions (LINE, to name

one) affect CP, and the MOVE function can be used to explicitly adjust CP.

The BGI coordinate system places the origin (pixel 0,0) at the upper

left-hand corner of the screen.


Header Section



The device header section, which must be at the beginning of the device

driver, is built using macro BGI defined in file DEVICE.INC. The BGI macro

takes the name of the device driver to be built as an argument. For

example, a driver named DEBUG would begin as shown here:


  CSEG    SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE'    ; any segment naming may be used

      ASSUME  DS:CSEG, CS:CSEG  ; cs=ds




      INCLUDE DEVICE.INC        ; include the file

      BGI     DEBUG         ; declare the device header section


The device header section declares a special entry point known as EMULATE.

If the action of a device driver vector is not supported by the hardware of

a device, the vector entry should contain the entry EMULATE. This will be

patched at load time to contain a jump to the Kernel's emulation routine.

These routines will emulate the action of the vector by breaking down the

request into simpler primitives. For example, if the hardware has the

functionality to draw arc, the arc vector will contain the address

of the routine to dispatch the arc data to the hardware and would

appear as follows:


    dw  offset  ARC     ; Vector to the arc routine


If, as is often the case, the hardware doesn't have the functionality to

display arcs, the vector would instead contain the EMULATE vector:


    dw  EMULATE


The Kernel has emulation support for the following vectors:


    BAR     Filling 3D rectangles

    ARC     Elliptical arc rendering

    PIESLICE    Elliptical pie slices

    FILLED_ELLIPSE  Filled Ellipses


The Driver Status Table



BGI requires that each driver contain a Driver Status Table (DST) to

determine the basic characteristics of the device that the driver

addresses. As an example, the DST for a CGA display is shown here:



STAT    DB  0       ; Current Device Status (0 = No Errors)

DEVTYP  DB  0       ; Device Type Identifier (must be 0)

XRES    DW  639     ; Device Full Resolution in X Direction

YRES    DW  199     ; Device Full Resolution in Y Direction

XEFRES  DW  639     ; Device Effective X Resolution

YEFRES  DW  199     ; Device Effective Y Resolution

XINCH   DW  9000        ; Device X Size in inches*1000

YINCH   DW  7000        ; Device Y Size in inches*1000

ASPEC   DW  4500        ; Aspect Ratio = (y_size/x_size) * 10000

    DB  8h

    DB  8h      ; for compatibility, use these values

    DB  90h

    DB  90h



The BGI interface provides a system for reporting errors to the BGI Kernel

and to the higher level code developed using Borland's language packages.

This is done using the STAT field of the Driver Status Table. This field

should be filled in by the driver code if an error is detected during the

execution of the device installation (INSTALL). The following error codes

are predefined in include file GRAPHICS.H for Turbo C and in the Graphics

unit for Turbo Pascal.


   grOk           =   0 Normal Operation, No errors

   grNoInitGraph      =  -1

   grNotDetected      =  -2

   grFileNotFound     =  -3

   grInvalidDriver    =  -4

   grNoLoadMem        =  -5

   grNoScanMem        =  -6

   grNoFloodMem       =  -7

   grFontNotFound     =  -8

   grNoFontMem        =  -9

   grInvalidMode      = -10

   grError        = -11 Generic Driver Error

   grIOerror          = -12

   grInvalidFont      = -13

   grInvalidFontNum   = -14

   grInvalidDeviceNum = -15


The next field in the Device Status Table, DEVTYP, describes the class of

the device that the driver controls; for screen devices, this value is

always 0.


The next four fields, XRES, YRES, XEFRES, and YEFRES contain the number of

pixels available to BGI on this device in the horizontal and vertical

dimensions, minus one. For screen devices, XRES=XEFRES and YRES=YEFRES.

The XINCH and YINCH fields are the number of inches horizontally and

vertically into which the device's pixels are mapped, times 1000. These

fields in conjunction with XRES and YRES permit device resolution (DPI, or

dots per inch) calculation.


    Horizontal resolution (DPI) = (XRES+1) / (XINCH/1000)

    Vertical resolution (DPI)  = (YRES+1) / (YINCH/1000)


The ASPEC (aspect ratio) field is effectively a multiplier/divisor pair

(the divisor is always 10000) that is applied to Y coordinate values to

produce aspect-ratio adjusted images (e.g., round circles). For example,

an ASPEC field of 4500 implies that the application will have to transform

Y coordinates by the ratio 4500/10000 when drawing circles to that device

if it expects them to be round. Individual monitor variations may require

an additional adjustment by the application.



The Device Driver Vector Table



The routines in the device driver are accessed via a vector table.

This table is at the beginning of the driver and contains 16-bit

offsets to subroutines and configuration tables within the driver.

The format of the vector table is shown below.




    DW  INSTALL     ; Driver initialization and installation

    DW  INIT        ; Initialize device for output

    DW  CLEAR       ; Clear graphics device; get fresh screen

    DW  POST        ; Exit from graphics mode, unload plotter, etc

    DW  MOVE        ; Move Current Pointer (CP) to (X,Y)

    DW  DRAW        ; Draw Line from (CP) to (X,Y)

    DW  VECT        ; Draw line from (X0,Y0) to (X1,Y1)

    DW  EMULATE     ; Reserved, must contain Emulate vector

    DW  BAR     ; Filled 3D bar from (CP) to (X,Y)

    DW  PATBAR      ; Patterned rectangle from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1)

    DW  ARC     ; Define ARC

    DW  PIESLICE    ; Define an elliptical pie slice

    DW  FILLED_ELLIPSE  ; Draw a filled ellipse

    DW  PALETTE     ; Load a palette entry

    DW  ALLPALETTE  ; Load the full palette

    DW  COLOR       ; Set current drawing color/background

    DW  FILLSTYLE   ; Filling control and style

    DW  LINESTYLE   ; Line drawing style control

    DW  TEXTSTYLE   ; Hardware Font control

    DW  TEXT        ; Hardware Draw text at (CP)

    DW  TEXTSIZ     ; Hardware Font size query

    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved

    DW  FLOODFILL   ; Fill a bounded region

    DW  GETPIX      ; Read a pixel from (X,Y)

    DW  PUTPIX      ; Write a pixel to (X,Y)

    DW  BITMAPUTIL  ; Bitmap Size query function

    DW  SAVEBITMAP  ; BITBLT from screen to system memory

    DW  RESTOREBITMAP   ; BITBLT from system memory to screen

    DW  SETCLIP     ; Define a clipping rectangle

    DW  COLOR_QUERY ; Color Table Information Query


;   35 additional vectors are reserved for Borland's future use.


    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (1)

    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (2)

    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (3)




    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (33)

    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (34)

    DW  RESERVED    ; Reserved for Borland's use (35)


;   Any vectors following this block may be used by

;   independent device driver developers as they see fit.




Vector Descriptions



The following information describes the input, output, and function

of each of the functions accessed through the device vector table.


    DW  offset INSTALL      ; device driver installation


The Kernel calls the INSTALL vector to prepare the device driver for use. A

function code is passed in AL. The following function codes are defined:






Device Driver Construction Particulars



The source code for a sample, albeit unusual, BGI device driver is included

with this Toolkit to assist developers in creating their own. The

demonstration driver is provided in two files, DEBVECT.ASM and DEBUG.C.

This "Debug" driver doesn't actually draw graphics, but instead simply

sends descriptive messages to the console screen (via DOS function call 9)

upon receiving commands. Instead of simply playing back commands, your own

driver would be structured similarly, but would access control ports and

screen memory to perform each function.






    1. Compile or assemble the files required.


    2. Link the files together, making sure that the device vector

       table is the first module within the link.


    3. Run EXETOBIN on the resulting .EXE or .COM file to produce a .BIN

       file. There should be no relocation fixups required.


    4. Run program BH (provided with the toolkit) on the .BIN

       file to produce the .BGI file.


The resulting driver is now ready for testing. Examine the file TEST.C for

an example of installing, loading, and calling a newly-created device






; To call any BGI function from assembly language, include the

; structure below and use the CALLBGI macro.



    MOV SI,$&P          ; PUT OPCODE IN (SI)




; e.g., to draw a line from (10,15) to (200,300):


    MOV AX, 10

    MOV BX, 15

    MOV CX, 200

    MOV DX, 300





; To index any item in the status table, include the status table

; structures below and use the BGISTAT macro.







; e.g., to obtain the aspect ratio of a device:



    MOV AX, ES:[SI]     ; (AX)= Y/X *10000

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