import socket
import select
#debug = False
debug = True
class ChatServer:
def __init__( self, port ):
if debug: print 'start init ChatServer'
self.port = port
self.srvsock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
self.srvsock.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1 )
self.srvsock.bind( ("", port) )
self.srvsock.listen( 5 )
self.descriptors = [self.srvsock]
print 'ChatServer started on port %s' % port
def run( self ):
while 1:
# Await an event on a readable socket descriptor
(sread, swrite, sexc) = select.select( self.descriptors, [], [] )
# Iterate through the tagged read descriptors
for sock in sread:
# Received a connect to the server (listening) socket
if sock == self.srvsock:
# Received something on a client socket
str = sock.recv(100)
# Check to see if the peer socket closed
if str == '':
host,port = sock.getpeername()
str = 'Client left %s:%s\r\n' % (host, port)
self.broadcast_string( str, sock )
host,port = sock.getpeername()
newstr = '[%s:%s] %s' % (host, port, str)
self.broadcast_string( newstr, sock )
def accept_new_connection( self ):
if debug: print 'accept new connection...'
newsock, (remhost, remport) = self.srvsock.accept()
self.descriptors.append( newsock )
newsock.send("You're connected to the Python chatserver\r\n")
str = 'Client joined %s:%s\r\n' % (remhost, remport)
self.broadcast_string( str, newsock )
def broadcast_string( self, str, omit_sock ):
for sock in self.descriptors:
if sock != self.srvsock and sock != omit_sock:
print str
myServer = ChatServer( 2828 ).run()
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