首先我们先看看git fetch 和 git pull的区别:
git fetch && pull
- git fetch 与 git pull 都是从 remote 端取信息
在不接参数时,git fetch 与 git pull 有如下不同
1. git fetch 可以在一个 bare类型的repository内执行,而git pull 不可以
2. git fetch 只从远程端取repository信息,如新的branch,tag,及新的代码变化,也就是更新.git或bare型repository中的内容
From git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/boot/u-boot/galak/u-boot
* [new branch] base -> origin/base
* [new branch] bootm -> origin/bootm
* [new branch] fsl_ddr -> origin/fsl_ddr
* [new branch] master -> origin/master
* [new branch] mpc85xx -> origin/mpc85xx
* [new branch] origin -> origin/origin
* [new tag] DENX-2005-10-29-2350 -> DENX-2005-10-29-2350
* [new tag] LABEL_2002_11_05_0120 -> LABEL_2002_11_05_0120
* [new tag] LABEL_2002_11_05_1735 -> LABEL_2002_11_05_1735
但 git fetch 不会 checkout出任何代码
git pull 不仅会执行git fetch的操作,git pull 还做了merge的操作。
- Git中从远程的分支获取最新的版本到本地有这样2个命令:
1. git fetch:相当于是从远程获取最新版本到本地,不会自动merge
git fetch origin master
git log -p master..origin/master
git merge origin/master
git fetch origin master:tmp
git diff tmp
git merge tmp
2. git pull:相当于是从远程获取最新版本并merge到本地
git pull origin master
上述命令其实相当于git fetch 和 git merge
在实际使用中,git fetch更安全一些
在含有工作副本的git仓库中可以使用git pull,在获取远程数据后,本地跟踪分支就可以快进,并和远程分支指向的commit点保持一致在bare仓库中只能使用fetch从remote中抓取数据,但是本地已跟踪的分支可能并没有快进到和remote同步的commit点,出现例如:
- tekkaman_b2 pushes to tekkaman_b2 (local out of date)
- git fetch origin tekkaman_b2:tekkaman_b2
git fetch :
- tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git branch
* tekkaman_b2
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git fetch origin
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
From /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
e3030a6..ba86b38 tekkaman_b2 -> origin/tekkaman_b2
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL: /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
Push URL: /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
HEAD branch: tekkaman_b2
Remote branches:
master tracked
no_remote tracked
tekkaman_b1 tracked
tekkaman_b2 tracked
Local branch configured for 'git pull':
tekkaman_b2 merges with remote tekkaman_b2
Local refs configured for 'git push':
master pushes to master (up to date)
no_remote pushes to no_remote (up to date)
tekkaman_b2 pushes to tekkaman_b2 (local out of date)
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git fetch origin tekkaman_b2:tekkaman_b2
fatal: Refusing to fetch into current branch refs/heads/tekkaman_b2 of non-bare repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git fetch origin tekkaman_b2:tekkaman_b2
From /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
e3030a6..ba86b38 tekkaman_b2 -> tekkaman_b2
tekkaman@tekkaman-desktop:~/development/research/git/test1_g.git$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL: /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
Push URL: /home/tekkaman/development/research/git/test1
HEAD branch: tekkaman_b2
Remote branches:
master tracked
no_remote tracked
tekkaman_b1 tracked
tekkaman_b2 tracked
Local branch configured for 'git pull':
tekkaman_b2 merges with remote tekkaman_b2
Local refs configured for 'git push':
master pushes to master (up to date)
no_remote pushes to no_remote (up to date)
tekkaman_b2 pushes to tekkaman_b2 (up to date)
“What you're trying to do is to fetch the branch you're workin on. That is, you are on the master branch and you try to update it. That's not possible. ”
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