I\'m working in IT for above 10 years, although I\'m not an expert yet, but I\'m working on it :)
分类: 系统运维
2011-03-25 16:48:58
Ctrl+Shift+B hides the short cut bar below you the universal address search box.
Ctrl+T opens a new tab in your current browser window.
Ctrl+Shift+T opens the most recently closed tab in a new tab.
Ctrl+W closes the Google Chrome tab you currently have open.
Ctrl+N opens a new Google Chrome window.
Shift+Esc reveals the Google Chrome task manager, which shows you which processes are running.
Ctrl+J shows the list of Google Chrome downloaded files and reveals a download search so you can find a previously downloaded item.
Ctrl+L highlights the text in the URL bar, allowing you to type in something new.
Ctrl+Shift+Del opens the Chrome Options, allowing you to tweak your browser settings.
Some not quite Google Chrome Keyboard shortcut tricks you should also know include typing a word in the browser, then use Ctrl+Enter to make the word a URL and go to that site, just like in Firefox. So if you type ‘lockergnome’ in the URL bar and then type Ctrl+Enter, it will take you to .
If you drag any link on the Web page you are viewing to the tab area of the browser, Google Chrome will open the link.
Holding Ctrl while clicking a link opens the link in a new tab, just like IE and Firefox.