#!C:\\python26\\python.exe #Name: jisuan.py #eg: 1+2+3+4+...+x
import math import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" 10000" else: sumx=0 x=int(sys.argv[1]) for i in range(0,x+1,1): sumx=sumx+i print sumx
NAME=raw_input ("Please input your name here: ") print "Your name is " + NAME + "!"
Linux: ---------------------- #!/usr/bin/python import os
print "\n" os.system('ls')
print "\n\n" os.system(''' ifconfig|grep 192|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F: '{print $2}' ''')
Windows: ---------------------- import os os.system('ping') os.system('ipconfig')
word=list("zhaohang") for w in word: print w
print "\n"
for i in range(0,31,5): print i,
while、if、try 判断是否数字:
print 'Could you guess me ? I am a int number!' running=True while running: try: NUM=287 GUESS=int(raw_input('Begin to guess me: ')) if GUESS == 287: print 'Eo, you guess right. You are verry clever!' running = False elif GUESS < 287: print 'It\'s too small!' else: print 'It\'s too big!' except ValueError: print "You must input a number!"
#!/usr/bin/env python
GUESS=raw_input('Begin to guess me: ')
if GUESS.isdigit(): print "OK" else: print "It's not a number!"
说明:判断变量是否纯数字的方法一种是 变量.isdigit() ,为真说明纯数字,但这种方法对于包含正负号的数字字符串无效,这时可以用: ValueError: 如上面实例!
while True: GUESS = raw_input("Please input a string: ") if GUESS == "quit": break if len(GUESS) <= 3: continue else: print "Your are input: " + GUESS + " !"
def USAGE(): print '''\ This script is a example for function. (HanShu) It will get a simple usage for us! Usage: file.py 100 --help: print this text. --version: 2.6 '''
# Call the function. USAGE()
def maxnum(x,y): if x > y: print x,"is the max number!" else: print y,"is the max number!"
x = float(raw_input("Please input the first number: ")) y = float(raw_input("Please input the second number: "))
def func(a=0): print "a =",a
func() func(5)
def func(a,b): if a > b: return a else: return b
a = int(raw_input("The first number: ")) b = int(raw_input("The second number: ")) print "The max number is: ",func(a,b)
while True: a = input("Please input a number: ") if a > 80: pass break else: continue
# filename: zhaohang_hi_module.py def sayhi(): print 'Hi! This is my module speaking!'
version = 'V1.00'
调用: import zhaohang_hi_module zhaohang_hi_module.sayhi() print "My module version is:",zhaohang_hi_module.version
from zhaohang_hi_module import sayhi sayhi()
#!/bin/env python import os,sys
for root,dirs,files in os.walk('/etc'): if sys.argv[1] in files: #print root #print files #print dirs print os.path.join(root,sys.argv[1])
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys
dic_file = open('/root/dic.txt','r') dic = {} for line in dic_file.readlines(): (key, value) = line.split() dic[key] = value dic_file.close()
print dic.get(sys.argv[1]) #print dic.items() #print dic.values()
#/etc/env python import re,string f='/root/test.txt' files=open('%s'%(f),'rw') file=files.readlines() files.close() F = open('%s'%(f),'w') for i in file: f1 = i.replace('zhaohang','Droney') F.write(f1) F.close()
#!/bin/env python import sys newStr='' x=len(sys.argv[1]) for y in range(x): newStr=newStr+sys.argv[1][x-1-y] print newStr
str = raw_input('Please input:') print str[::-1]
import sys
def readfile(filename): f = file(filename) while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break print line f.close()
if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "No action!" sys.exit()
if sys.argv[1].startswith('--'): option = sys.argv[1][2:] if option == 'version': print 'Version 2.6' elif option == 'help': print ''' This Script will print the file you wan't to see, It like the "cat" in Any number of files could be specified. Options include: --version: Print the verison of your Python. --help: Display this help.'''
import random random.random() random.choice(range(500)) random.choice(['A','a','B','b','C','c','D','d','!','1','@','2','#','3'])
#!c:\\python26\\python.exe import urllib2 for line in urllib2.urlopen(''): if 'Central' in line: print line
import smtplib server = smtplib.SMTP('mail.ztgame.com',25) tolist = ["zhaozhaohang@ztgame.com","281540639@qq.com","zhaohang3031@163.com"] fromuser = "zhaohang3031@163.com" msg = ''' From: zhaozhaohang@ztgame.com Subject: test mail. This just a mail for test. OK! ''' server.sendmail(fromuser,tolist,msg) server.quit()
# shell> mail -s "$subject" "$to_addr_list" -c "$cclist" < $filename
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