下载完snoopy,直接./configure --prefix=/opt/snoopy;make;make install
创建一个nologin的用户:useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M snoopy;
;;; REQUIRED Section
;;; Log Message Format specification
; May consist of:
; - arbitrary text, which is copied to log message as-is,
; - calls to data sources without arguments: %{datasourcename}
; - calls to data sources with argument : %{datasourcename:arg1}
; - calls to data sources with arguments: %{datasourcename:arg1,arg2} <--- if data source supports it
; List of available data sources:
; - %{cmdline} ; (available=yes) Full command line, with arguments
; - %{cwd} ; (available=yes) Current working directory
; - %{datetime} ; (available=yes) Date and time in ISO 8601 format
; - %{domain} ; (available=yes) Domain of current system
; - %{egid} ; (available=yes) Effective gid that executed the command
; - %{egroup} ; (available=yes) Effective group name that executed the command
; - %{env:VAR} ; (available=yes) Environmental variable named 'VAR'
; - %{env_all} ; (available=yes) All environmental varibles, comma separated
; - %{euid} ; (available=yes) Effective uid that executed the command
; - %{eusername} ; (available=yes) Effective username that executed the command
; - %{filename} ; (available=yes) Full path to executable
; - %{gid} ; (available=yes) Group id that executed the command
; - %{group} ; (available=yes) Group name that executed the command
; - %{hostname} ; (available=yes) Hostname of current system
; - %{login} ; (available=yes) Login name (tries getlogin_r() first, then SUDO_USER env variabe, and LOGNAME env as last resort)
; - %{pid} ; (available=yes) ID of process that executed the command
; - %{ppid} ; (available=yes) Parent process ID of process that executed the command
; - %{rpname} ; (available=yes) Root process name of process that executed the command
; - %{sid} ; (available=yes) Process id of session group process leader
; - %{snoopy_threads} ; (available=yes) Number of threads that Snoopy currently is configured for
; - %{snoopy_version} ; (available=yes) Snoopy version
; - %{snoopy_literal:arg} ; (available=yes) Dummy data source, only returns its argument literally
; - %{tid} ; (available=yes) Thread ID of process that executed the command
; - %{tid_kernel} ; (available=yes) Thread ID of process that executed the command, as returned by Linux kernel
; - %{timestamp} ; (available=yes) Current Unix timestamp
; - %{timestamp_ms} ; (available=yes) Millisecond part of current Unix timestamp
; - %{timestamp_us} ; (available=yes) Microsecond part of current Unix timestamp
; - %{tty} ; (available=yes) Which TTY the command was run on
; - %{tty_uid} ; (available=yes) TTY uid
; - %{tty_username} ; (available=yes) TTY username
; - %{uid} ; (available=yes) User id that executed the command
; - %{username} ; (available=yes) Username that executed the command
; Availability (yes/no):
; This flag signifies whether this build of Snoopy has particular data source
; built-in or not. If particular data source is not available and its use is
; desired, then Snoopy must be rebuilt with flags that enable given data
; source.
; Default value:
; "[uid:%{uid} sid:%{sid} tty:%{tty} cwd:%{cwd} filename:%{filename}]: %{cmdline}"
; Examples:
;message_format = "useless static log entry that gets logged on every program execution"
;message_format = "uid=%{uid}" ; <--- this would only log uids who execute programs, nothing else;
;message_format = "uid=%{uid} tty=%{tty} cmdline=%{cmdline}" ; <--- logs uid + tty + command that is executed
message_format = "datetime:%{datetime} login:%{login} username:%{username} cmdline:%{cmdline} cwd:%{cwd}"
;;; Filter Chain specification
; Must comply with the following rules:
; - one or more filters may be specified, separated by semicolon,
; - each filter may contain argument that follows the colon,
; - filter may accept multiple arguments, separated by comma,
; - filter chain must not contain any spaces (allowed in filter arguments, but generally discouraged).
; List of available filters:
; - exclude_spawns_of ; (available=yes) Exclude log entries that occur in specified process trees
; - exclude_uid ; (available=yes) Exclude these UIDs from logging
; - only_root ; (available=yes) Only log root commands
; - only_tty ; (available=yes) Only log commands associated with a TTY
; - only_uid ; (available=yes) Only log commands executed by these UIDs
; Availability (yes/no):
; This flag signifies whether this build of Snoopy has particular filter
; built-in or not. If particular filter is not available and its use is
; desired, then Snoopy must be rebuilt with flags that enable given filter.
; Sample definitions with explanations:
; - filter_chain = "exclude_uid:0" # Log all commands, except the ones executed by root
; - filter_chain = "exclude_uid:1,2,3" # Log all commands, except those executed by users with UIDs 1, 2 and 3
; - filter_chain = "only_uid:0" # Log only root commands
; - filter_chain = "exclude_spawns_of:cron,my_daemon" # Do not log commands spawned by cron or my_daemon
; - filter_chain = "filter1:arg11;filter2:arg21,arg22;filter3:arg31,32,33"
; Default value:
; "" (empty string)
; Examples:
;filter_chain = ""
;filter_chain = "only_uid:0"
;filter_chain = "only_uid:10000"
;filter_chain = "exclude_uid:0"
filter_chain = ""
;;; Output
; Where messages get sent to
; List of available outputs:
; - devlog ; (available=yes) Default, writes directly to /dev/log.
; - devnull ; (available=yes) Black hole.
; - devtty ; (available=yes) Write to current tty via /dev/tty.
; - file ; (available=yes) Write directly to file. (NOTICE: Make sure file has proper permissions set for non-root users.)
; - socket ; (available=yes) Built-in output. As argument it requires an absolute path of socket to write to.
; - stderr ; (available=yes) Write to STDERR. Mainly useful for debugging purposes.
; - stdout ; (available=yes) Write to STDOUT. Mainly useful for debugging purposes.
; - syslog ; (available=no) Previuosly-default (WARNING: DO NOT USE syslog OUTPUT WITH systemd - IT WILL HANG YOUR SYSTEM ON BOOT)
; Availability (yes/no):
; This flag signifies whether this build of Snoopy has particular output
; built-in or not. If particular output is not available and its use is
; desired, then Snoopy must be rebuilt with flags that enable given output.
; List of outputs pending implementation (patches welcome!):
; - console ; TODO
; - journald ; TODO
; Default value:
; devlog
; (previously 'syslog' was default value, but due to systemd issues default was changed)
; (to raw device writing as syslogd blocks syslog() calls if journald is not running)
; Example:
;output = console
;output = devlog
;output = file:/var/log/snoopy.log
;output = socket:/var/run/socket-for-snoopy.sock
output = file:/var/log/snoopy
;;; Error Logging
; Whether to log error messages or not.
; This should generally be disabled, as it may generate lots of error logs.
; The most appropriate usage of this parameter is when:
; - you are developing new data source
; - you are trying to configure message format and are having problems with it
; Default value:
; no (unless changed by ./configure --enable-error-logging to yes)
; Example:
;error_logging = yes
;error_logging = yes
;;; Syslog Facility
; What syslog facility to use. Can be prefixed with 'LOG_'.
; Possible values:
; Default value:
; LOG_AUTHPRIV (unless changed by ./configure --with-syslog-facility=FACILITY)
; Example:
;syslog_facility = LOG_AUTHPRIV
;;; Syslog Ident
; What syslog ident (program name) to use.
; Possible values:
; Any non-spaced string.
; Default value:
; "snoopy" (unless changed by ./configure --with-syslog-ident="other")
; Example:
;syslog_ident = "my-ident-string"
;;; Syslog Level
; What syslog level to use. Can be prefixed with 'LOG_'.
; Possible values:
; Default value:
; LOG_INFO (unless changed by ./configure --with-syslog-level=LEVEL)
; Example:
;syslog_level = LOG_INFO
在/var/log/目录创建snoopy文件,修改拥有者,chown snoopy.snoopy /var/log/snoopy;chmod o+w /var/log/snoopy
关于/opt/snoopy目录的权限,组和其他人需要有x权限,不然当其他用户登录的时候,会出现" object '/opt/snoopy/lib/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored。
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