4. 设定 ,配置bandwidthd.conf bandwidthd 的设定也很简单,一个配置文件搞定, 一般修改一下网段和掩码,其他的用默认值即可,如果你熟悉英文,就看看其他选项.大概如下 编辑: /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf #################################################### # Bandwidthd.conf # # Commented out options are here to provide # documentation and represent defaults
# Subnets to collect statistics on #subnet #subnet subnet #以一网段为例 # Device to listen on dev "eth0" #(这是你要检测的网卡,可以调整为对应的网络连接设备) 把其中 subnet 的设定,以一网段为例: subnet ################################################### # Options that don't usually get changed # An interval is 2.5 minutes, this is how many # intervals to skip before doing a graphing run #skip_intervals 0 #默间隔认2.5 minutes 刷新
# Graph cutoff is how many k must be transfered by an # ip before we bother to graph it #graph_cutoff 1024 #默间1M 以上的流量才有图形
#Put interface in promiscuous mode to score to traffic #that may not be routing through the host machine. #promiscuous true #让网卡在混杂模式中记录
#Log data to cdf file htdocs/log.cdf 在bandwidthd中生成log2.cdf log.cdf格式数据记录 output_cdf true
#Read back the cdf file on startup 在启动bandwidth时重新读取cdf的数据 recover_cdf true
#Libpcap format filter string used to control what bandwidthd see's #Please always include "ip" in the string to avoid strange problems #以ip为过滤对象 filter "ip"
#Draw Graphs graph true
#以下是我打了补丁bandwidthd-cp3-1.2.1b.patch才有的, # List of controled protocols # format: item "item_name" rgb_color protocol ports 这是记录的格式:端口名字,RGB颜色,端口号 # obs.: The yellow (0xffff00) color is predefined to the "TOTAL" item 黄色预设为TOTAL的颜色 item "TCP" 0x00ff00 tcp all item "HTTP" 0x0000ff tcp 80 443 item "FTP" 0xc0c0ff tcp 20 21 item "2P" 0xff00ff tcp 1044 1045 1214 4661 4661 4665 5190 5500 5501 5502 5503 6346 6347 6666 6667 7788 8888 8889 28864 288 65 item "UDP" 0x800000 udp all item "ICMP" 0xff0000 icmp all item "SMTP" 0xFF8C00 tcp 25 item "OP3" 0x00FFFF tcp 110