- $n = $native
- $n.import "Box2D.Dynamics.*"
- $n.import "Box2D.Collision.*"
- $n.import "Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*"
- $n.import "Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*"
- $n.import "Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*"
- $n.import "Box2D.Common.Math.*"
- $n.import "flash.events.*"
- $n.import "flash.display.*"
- $n.import "flash.text.*"
- $n.import "General.*"
- $n.import "TestBed.*"
- class Box2D
- def initialize
- @curr_id = 1
- @curr_test = nil
- add_fps_counter
- add_sprite
- add_instructions_text
- add_about_text
- add_input_fix_sprite
- add_listener
- end
- def add_listener
- update = Proc.new{|evt|
- @sprite.graphics.clear
- if $n.Input.isKeyPressed 39 then
- @curr_id = @curr_id 1
- @curr_test = nil
- elsif $n.Input.isKeyPressed 37 then
- @curr_id = @curr_id - 1
- @curr_test = nil
- elsif $n.Input.isKeyPressed 82 then
- @curr_test = nil
- end
- if nil == @curr_test then
- case @curr_id
- when 0
- @curr_test = $n.TestBridge.new
- when 1
- @curr_test = $n.TestExample.new
- when 2
- @curr_test = $n.TestRagdoll.new
- when 3
- @curr_test = $n.TestCompound.new
- when 4
- @curr_test = $n.TestStack.new
- when 5
- @curr_test = $n.TestCrank.new
- when 6
- @curr_test = $n.TestPulley.new
- when 7
- @curr_test = $n.TestGears.new
- else
- if @curr_id < 0 then
- @curr_id = 7
- @curr_test = $n.TestGears.new
- else
- @curr_id = 0
- @curr_test = $n.TestBridge.new
- end
- end
- end
- @curr_test.Update
- $n.Input.update
- @fps_counter.update
- $n.FRateLimiter.limitFrame 30
- }
- $n._root.addEventListener $n.Event.ENTER_FRAME, update, false, 0, true
- end
- def add_fps_counter
- @fps_counter = $n.FpsCounter.new
- @fps_counter.x = 7
- @fps_counter.y = 5
- $n.Main.m_fpsCounter = @fps_counter
- $n._root.addChildAt @fps_counter, 0
- end
- def add_sprite
- @sprite = $n.Sprite.new
- $n.Main.m_sprite = @sprite
- $n._root.addChild @sprite
- @input = $n.Input.new @sprite
- end
- def add_instructions_text
- instructions_text = $n.TextField.new
- instructions_text_format = $n.TextFormat.new "Arial", 16, 0xffffff, false, false, false
- instructions_text_format.align = $n.TextFormatAlign.RIGHT
- instructions_text.defaultTextFormat = instructions_text_format
- instructions_text.x = 140
- instructions_text.y = 4.5
- instructions_text.width = 495
- instructions_text.height = 61
- instructions_text.text = "Box2DFlashAS3 examples: \n'Left'/'Right' arrows to go to previous/next example. \n'R' to reset."
- $n._root.addChild instructions_text
- end
- def add_about_text
- aboutTextFormat = $n.TextFormat.new "Arial", 16, 0x00CCFF, true, false, false
- aboutTextFormat.align = $n.TextFormatAlign.RIGHT
- about_text = $n.TextField.new
- about_text.defaultTextFormat = aboutTextFormat
- about_text.x = 434
- about_text.y = 71
- about_text.width = 200
- about_text.height = 30
- $n.Main.m_aboutText = about_text
- $n._root.addChild about_text
- end
- def add_input_fix_sprite
- inputFixSprite = $n.Sprite.new
- inputFixSprite.graphics.lineStyle 0,0,0
- inputFixSprite.graphics.beginFill 0,0
- inputFixSprite.graphics.moveTo -10000, -10000
- inputFixSprite.graphics.lineTo 10000, -10000
- inputFixSprite.graphics.lineTo 10000, 10000
- inputFixSprite.graphics.lineTo -10000, 10000
- inputFixSprite.graphics.endFill
- $n._root.addChild inputFixSprite
- end
- end
- Box2D.new
拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby拉风 酷毙的HotRuby: 在一个JavaScript和Flash的虚拟机上跑Ruby
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