2008-05-04 22:05:45
IntelliJ IDEA 8代号Diana(戴安娜),
Diana First EAP Release Notes
1.插件API的改变:好消息是将有更好的语言支持,所以你可以期待对一些非常棒的其它语言的支持,如:Scala, Jython还有其它语言
2.Seam 支持
1. Seam Facet and Seam Components Structure(Java EE)
2. Alt-F7, Shift-F6 and EL everywhere
3. Inspections
4. Conversations, Observers and many others
5. Pageflow Designer: inplace editing, DnD, Alt-F7, Shift-F6, F4 in graph
6. Pages Navigation Graph (DnD of web pages from ProjectStructure)
3.Free Maker 支持
4.JavaScript Debugging :这个功能真是太棒了
Run configuration to debug local html files:
Browser opens in separate frame:
Breakpoints in html- and js-files:
Breakpoints dialog allows to change properies of breakpoint:
Debug toolwindow (frames, variables, watches):
Evaluate expression dialog:
Show value in tooltip on mouse over:
DDL DataSource
JDBC API & iBatis XML SQL language injection
6.Flex 支持:IDEA7好像就支持
1. New module type for Flex development:
2. Flex SDK is added for Flex modules:
3. Flex run configuration
4. Flex debugging:
5. Package name and class name is checked to be the same as directory or file name respectively:
8.展开/移除动作["Unwrap/Remove" action (delete enclosing statement)]
The code before unwrapping the first else branch:
The code after unwrapping:
Remove Example:
The code before removing the first else branch:
The code after removing:
9、Struts 2支持:现在是作为IntelliJ 的内置插件
Choose an item:
Type a tag with not bound namespace prefix:
Press Alt-Ins and choose a namespace:
Namespace declaration is inserted: