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2008-05-04 20:33:29

假设安装路径如下:   JCreator D:\Program Files\Xinox Software\JCreator LE   motoj2sdk D:\Motoj2sdk   JDK D:\jdk1.3.1   注意:要先击活模拟环境,运行D:\MotoJ2SDK\generic\scripts\runConstructor.bat 选择手机型号,选择语言,选择normal, 再"创建"。   启动Jcreater之后我的配置如下:   第一步   选择 Configure->Options->JDK Profiles   注意:一定新建 profile and select “D:\jdk1.3.1”   将名字改为“J2ME 388”   Add classes path “D:\Motoj2sdk\lib”   Add documentation path “D:\Motoj2sdk\docs”   分别将后加的两行移到最上方.   第二步   选择 Configure->Options->JDK Tools   选择Complier   选中 and edit it.   将 parameters 变为 -classpath D:/motoj2sdk/lib $[JavaFiles]   第三步   选择 Configure->Options->Tools   点击“New”选择 DOS command   名字为“Preverifier”   将 arguments 换为 d:\Motoj2sdk\bin\preverifier.exe -classpath "d:\Motoj2sdk\lib" -d . .   将 initial directory 变为 “$[PrjDir]”   第4步   按上面的方法在New一个 DOS command   名字:“Run Emulator”   将 arguments 换成 “java -Djava.library.path=d:/MotoJ2SDK/lib -classpath "d:/MotoJ2SDK/bin/Emulator.jar";"d:/MotoJ2SDK/ConfigTool.jar" -classpath$[PrjDir];"d:/MotoJ2SDK/lib" -deviceFile d:/MotoJ2SDK/bin/resources/device.props javax.microedition.midlet.AppManager $[CurClass] -JSA 1 1”   将 initial directory 换成 “d:\Motoj2sdk\bin”   ok!编辑工具配置完毕!   新建一个工程——选择Empty Project   再取一个名字 比如:test   则jcreater自动在你的工作目录中生成目录test   再new一个file选择java File   写好你的原代码,保存 如   在Project中 选add file   然后选中你刚才的   注意:不要有package ;   编译——》tools中的Preverifier进行预先审核——》tools中的Run Emulator进行模拟 的例子:功能是捕捉键盘输入的ascII吗。 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; public class test extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {; /** * The screen for this MIDlet */ private KeyEventsDemoCanvas myCanvas; /** * Reference to current Display */ private Display myDisplay; /** * Command to make sure soft key is not a key event */ private Command okCommand = new Command("OK", Command.OK, 1); test() {; myDisplay = Display.getDisplay(this); myCanvas = new KeyEventsDemoCanvas(); myCanvas.addCommand(okCommand); myCanvas.setCommandListener(this); }; /** * Do nothing if a command is fired */ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {; }; /** * Start the MIDlet */ protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {; myDisplay.setCurrent(myCanvas); }; /** * Pause the MIDlet */ protected void pauseApp() {; }; /** * Called by the framework before the application is unloaded */ protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {; }; /** * The screen for this application */ class KeyEventsDemoCanvas extends Canvas {; /** * Background color (i.e. the color of the screen) */ public final int BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0xFFFFFF; // white /** * Foreground color (i.e. the color of the rectangles) */ public final int FOREGROUND_COLOR = 0x000000; // black /** * Last key that was pressed */ private int lastKey; /** * Paint the screen */ public void paint(Graphics g) {; /* * Clear the screen */ g.setColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); /* * Paint the message */ g.setColor(FOREGROUND_COLOR); g.drawString("Press a key!", 0, 0, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); if (lastKey != 0) {; g.drawString("Key Code: " lastKey, 0, g.getFont().getHeight(), Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); try {; g.drawString("Action: " getGameAction(lastKey), 0, 2 * g.getFont().getHeight(), Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); g.drawString("Key Name: " getKeyName(lastKey), 0, 3 * g.getFont().getHeight(), Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); }; catch (Exception e) {; // ignore since alphabet keys will throw this exception }; }; }; /** * Handle key press */ public void keyPressed(int keyCode) {; lastKey = keyCode; repaint(); }; /** * Demonstrate keyRepeated events */ public void keyRepeated(int keyCode) {; System.out.println("Key repeated " keyCode); }; }; }; 下载本文示例代码

Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得Jcreater MotoJ2SDK的配置与使用心得
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