From Ajax Patterns
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1 Overall Goals(总体目标)
1.1 User First(用户至上)
1.2 Conserve Resources(优化资源)
1.3 Be Accessible(保持可用性)
1.4 Respect Privacy(尊重隐私)
2 Design Principles(设计原则)
2.1 Minimal Traffic(最小传输量)
2.2 Explicitly Ajax(透彻理解ajax)
2.3 No Distractions(没有干扰)
2.4 Established Conventions(一致的使用习惯)
2.5 Continuous Interaction(不间断交互)
3 Relevance to Design Patterns(将原则应用于设计模式)
Overall Goals
Specific goals closely related to Ajax application design.
User First
Adopt Ajax for usability, not just to strut your stuff, so that the user is engaged, and not immediately driven away by your nod to website splash screens,
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