本节介绍Cisco AS5200的通道化E1样本配置。可能配置30个带通道相关信号的通道、通道组或两者的组合。
· 分配所有通道的通道相关信号
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl/Z.
Router(config)# controller e1 0
Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type e&m-fgb
Router(config-controller)# %DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 1 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 2 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 3 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 4 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 5 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 6 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 7 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 8 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 9 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 10 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 11 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 12 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 13 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 14 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 15 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 17 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 18 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 19 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 20 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 21 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 22 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 23 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 24 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 25 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 26 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 27 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 28 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 29 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 30 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 31 is up
· 混合和匹配通道举例
时间槽1到15赋予通道组1。这些时间槽又赋予串行接口0和虚拟通道组1(显示为serial 0:1)。
AS5200(config)# controller e1 0
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 1 timeslots 1-15
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0:1, changed state to down
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0:1, changed state to up
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0:1, changed state to up
Router(config-controller)# cas-group 2 timeslots 17-31 type e&m-fgb
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0:1, changed state to down
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 17 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 18 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 19 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 20 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 21 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 22 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 23 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 31 is up Router(config-controller)#
下例在Cisco AS5300的控制器E1上配置R2信号和定制R2参数。大多数情况下,同一R2信号类型在每个E1控制器上配置。
步骤1:用configure terminal命令进入全局配置方式:
as5300# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl-Z.
步骤2:用controller e1全局配置命令指定要配置R2信号的E1控制器。控制器通知访问服务器如何对连接的通道化E1线分配或提供各个时间槽。要对每个E1线配置一个E1控制器。
as5300(config)# controller e1 2
步骤3:用cas-group channel timeslots range type
signal命令配置通道相关信号。连接的远程通信厂家发出的信号类型应与Cisco AS5300上配置的信号类型相符。Cisco
as5300(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type ?
下例指定R2 ITU Q421数字线信号(r2-digital)。这个例子还指定R2强制寄存器信号并提供ANI ADDR选项。
as5300(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled ani
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 1 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 2 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 30 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 31 is up
步骤4:用cas-custom channel控制器配置命令定制一些E1 R2信号参数。本例指定阿根廷的缺省R2设置:
as5300(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
as5300(config-ctrl-cas)# ?
CAS custom commands:
as5300(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina ?
use-defaults Use Country defaults
as5300(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina use-defaults
version 11.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname router
enable secret 5 $1$YAaG$L0jTcQ.nMH.gp-FYXaOU5c.
no modem fast-answer
ip host dirt
ip multicast rpf-check-interval 0
isdn switch-type primary-dms100
controller E1 0
clock source line primary
cas-group 1 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r1-modified ani-dnis
controller E1 1
clock source line secondary
cas-group 1 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r1-modified ani-dnis
controller E1 2
clock source internal
controller E1 3
clock source internal
interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip mroute-cache
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
interface Group-Async1
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 480
dialer-group 1
async dynamic address
async mode interactive
peer default ip address pool DYNAMIC
no fair-queue
no cdp enable
group-range 1 108
router igrp 200
no ip classless
ip route Ethernet0
logging source-interface Ethernet0
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line 1 108
exec-timeout 0 0
modem InOut
transport input all
line aux 0
line vty 0 4