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2008-06-08 09:22:06

最近收到一个pdf文件,在linux下用adobe reader打开,因为缺少一种字体,而无法显示正常.把相应的windwos字体文件安装到linux系统下,仍然这样.故潜心研究了一个这个问题. 终于找到了解决方法.

背景知识: pdf文件内可以自带字体数据(叫做内嵌),也可以使用系统的字体数据(叫做引用). 其中内嵌又分为两种: 一种是把字体文件整个嵌入.一种是只嵌入pdf中使用到的那些字的字体数据(叫做子集). 一般推荐pdf都内嵌字体,这样才能保证该文件在不同的机器上不会因字体缺失或不一致造成有差别的显示效果.当pdf文档还处于编辑过程中时,可以选择内嵌整个字体文件,这样即使在没有这种字体的机器上也可以正常编辑(特别是输入新的字).当pdf文档已经是发布状态时,可以选择以子集方式嵌入字体数据,这样生成的pdf文件相比前面生成的pdf就会小一些.

1. Acobat 7.0 professional 打开需要修改的pdf,点击菜单 文件-->文档属性 ,其中有一个叫"字体"的tab中列出了文档中所包含的字体信息.包括是否嵌入等信息.
2. 点击 工具 -->高级编辑工具 --> Touchup文本工具, 然后在页面上点右键,选"属性",其中有一个"文本"的tab, 选中第一步中所看到的没有嵌入的字体,勾上"嵌入"和"子集"两个复选框,然后保存即可.


How to embed fonts in an adobe acrobat pdf file that has already been created . . .

Important: You can't embed a font unless the font is activated and available to your system. It is also easy to accidentally embed a substituted font. So, be careful, these are final edits that are hard to reverse.

To embed or unembed adobe acrobat pdf fonts using acrobat's TouchUp Text tool:

Choose Tools > Advanced Editing > TouchUp Text Tool

(A.) Click in the text whose font embedding or subsetting you want to edit. A paragraph of text is enclosed in a bounding box. You can select text within the
paragraph by clicking and dragging across the targeted text.

(B) To open the TouchUp Properties dialog box, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) and choose Properties.

(C) In the TouchUp Properties dialog box, click the Text tab to display the font name and font properties as well as embedding and subset capabilities.

(D) To see a list of all the fonts, scroll through the Font menu. Document fonts are listed first. Your system fonts are listed below the document fonts.

Font Permissions - For each font, the font permissions will show whether font embedding and subsetting are allowed by the fonts author or foundry. for the cannot embed font condition, neither the embed or subset option is possible. When the cannot embed font for editing condition is shown, you can only unembed or subset an embedded font. For the no system font available condition, the embed and subset options are disabled, because this font is not available in your system.

Font Subsetting - Font subsetting is usually used to decrease the size of the PDF file and to limit the chances the text would be edited or changed. To embed the entire font rather than a subset, make sure that Subset is not selected.

You should subset fonts when - For an adobe acrobat pdf file going to press, subsetting is good as it will "lock down" the pdf and make it more reliable for a hand off.

You should not subset fonts when - For an adobe acrobat pdf being produced for an ad, that is not final, and may need to be edited, tou would not want to use font subsetting.

How to easily identify that fonts are not embedded in an adobe acrobat pdf file. . .

If fonts are not embedded in a pdf, it can easily cause reflow text and alter the layout at time of output. Many times a user will say that the pdf looks fine to them. However, on their computer, it is using a font resource that is (linked) not (embedded). You could be looking at the same file on your computer, if you do not have the font active in your system, then on your display, it is using a substituted font.

In this example, When this same PDF is sent to a rip for imaging, it could substitute yet another font, or the rip may have the correct font and it could come out fine. This is never a problem with PDF-Robot pdf files because they are carefully preflighted and prepared with automation. An adobe acrobat file that comes from PDF-Robot will always have fonts embedded.

Many times, one gets an adobe acrobat pdf file from an advertiser or customer. FlightCheck it commonly used to verify a pdf file for fonts and images. FlightCheck however will not distinguish between an embedded font, and required resource font being used, or (linked). FlightCheck does not know if you are printing this acrobat pdf file or not. This makes it IMPERATIVE to check the embedding of fonts in acrobat itself.

So, at every point that a adobe acrobat pdf file is handled and handed off for prepress use, font embedding should be checked and verified. Any fonts not embedded should be embedded using the above method here. An adobe acrobat pdf file that does not have its fonts embedded is simply not reliable for a document exchange in prepress, computer to plate, or digital printing.

To verify fonts are embedded, every time you handle an adobe acrobat pdf file, make it a habit to check the font embedding and fix it. Any time an adobe acrobat pdf is using resourced, or (linked) fonts, it is sure to create a problem. So, in Acrobat, Go:

File Menu > Document Properties > Fonts

Click, show all fonts, If any font there does not specifically say "embedded" next to its name, that means it is a resource or (linked) font. That's a problem that needs to be addressed.

Must NOT Embed When - If it says the fonts are all "embedded", then these fonts will all travel inside the file making it reliable to exchange and hand off to others. This must be verified for every font listed, it must say "embedded" by each font.

Must Embed When - If it does not say the fonts are all "embedded", then these fonts will surely be a problem for reliable exchange and hand off to others. This must be verified for every font listed, it must say "embedded" by each font or there's a problem with that font.

*When Creating an adobe acrobat pdf with acrobat distiller, ALWAYS embed the fonts. Fonts are a huge problem in document exchange and represent the biggest quality problem in the entire printing industry. ALWAYS embed the fonts in every adobe acrobat pdf file that youyy create.

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