- /* 这是一个使用例子。 */
- /* 在我的P4双核机器上,可以比单线程版本快20%,但复杂性远高于20%! :( */
- #include "threadpool.h"
- unsigned long long sum(unsigned long long start, unsigned long long end)
- {
- unsigned long long sum;
- sum = 0;
- for (; start<=end; ++start)
- sum += start;
- return sum;
- }
- struct per_sum {
- unsigned long long sum, start, end;
- pthread_mutex_t lock;
- pthread_cond_t cond;
- };
- void threaded_sum(void *voidp)
- {
- struct per_sum *per_sum = voidp;
- printf("thread %p start\n", voidp);
- if (!per_sum) {
- // printf("per_sum == NULL\n");
- return;
- }
- per_sum->sum = sum(per_sum->start, per_sum->end);
- per_sum->start = per_sum->end = 0;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&per_sum->lock);
- printf("thread %p exit, end=%lld\n", voidp, per_sum->end);
- pthread_cond_signal(&per_sum->cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&per_sum->lock);
- }
- int main(void)
- {
- #define NR_THREADS 2
- struct thread_worker* workers[NR_THREADS];
- struct per_sum per_sums[NR_THREADS];
- struct thread_pool *pool;
- int i;
- unsigned long long start, end;
- unsigned long long result = 0;
- unsigned long long delta = 0x10ffffff;
- // printf("mutli threading ... ");
- pool = thread_pool_create(NR_THREADS, NULL);
- if (!pool)
- exit(-1);
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; ++i) {
- if (pthread_mutex_init(&per_sums[i].lock, NULL)) {
- printf("failed init mutex\n");
- exit(3);
- }
- if (pthread_cond_init(&per_sums[i].cond, NULL)) {
- printf("failed init cond\n");
- exit(4);
- }
- if (thread_pool_lend(pool, threaded_sum, (void*)&per_sums[i], &workers[i])) {
- printf("failed to lend thread %d\n", i);
- exit(5);
- }
- }
- start = 0;
- /* activate threads */
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; i++) {
- per_sums[i].start = start;
- per_sums[i].end = per_sums[i].start + delta;
- start = per_sums[i].end + 1;
- thread_pool_activate(workers[i]);
- }
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; i++) {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&per_sums[i].lock);
- while (per_sums[i].end != 0)
- pthread_cond_wait(&per_sums[i].cond, &per_sums[i].lock);
- result += per_sums[i].sum;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&per_sums[i].lock);
- }
- /* activate threads again */
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; i++) {
- per_sums[i].start = start;
- per_sums[i].end = per_sums[i].start + delta;
- start = per_sums[i].end + 1;
- thread_pool_activate(workers[i]);
- }
- end = per_sums[NR_THREADS-1].end;
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; i++) {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&per_sums[i].lock);
- while (per_sums[i].end != 0)
- pthread_cond_wait(&per_sums[i].cond, &per_sums[i].lock);
- result += per_sums[i].sum;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&per_sums[i].lock);
- }
- for (i=0; i<NR_THREADS; ++i) {
- if (thread_pool_giveback(pool, workers[i])) {
- printf("failed to giveback thread %d\n", i);
- exit(6);
- }
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&per_sums[i].lock);
- pthread_cond_destroy(&per_sums[i].cond);
- }
- thread_pool_clean(pool);
- printf("sum = %lld\n\n", result);
- return 0;
- }
- #include "threadpool.h" /* #include了所有必要的系统头文件 */
- #define THWK_F_CLEAN 1 /* 设置此标志着threadpool正在进行清理操作,此时线程退出。 */
- #define THWK_F_RUNNING 2 /* 设置这个标志主要是为了避免一个race condition,后述。 */
- struct thread_worker_arg {
- void (*action)(void*); /* user programmer指定的实际函数 */
- void *what; /* action的参数 */
- };
- struct thread_worker {
- pthread_t id; /* just as its name */
- struct thread_worker_arg arg; /* 用于给sleepy_wrapper()传送参数,后述。 */
- pthread_mutex_t lock; /* 用于实现线程池内空闲线程的休眠,它实际上并不保护什么临界区。 */
- struct thread_worker *next; /* 用于链表线程池内的其他线程 */
- unsigned long long delay; /* 未用,计划用于测量调度延迟。 */
- unsigned long flags; /* 标志,后述。 */
- };
- struct thread_pool {
- pthread_mutex_t lock; /* 用于同步对于thread_pool自身的访问操作 */
- struct thread_worker *first; /* 所有线程链接于此 */
- int total; /* 总线程数 */
- int current_nr; /* 池内空闲线程数 */
- };
- /* 未用,计划用于测量调度延迟。 */
- inline unsigned long long get_ticks(void)
- {
- // __asm__ ("rdtsc");
- return 0ULL;
- }
- /* 用于支持线程在被取消时的必要清理操作。 */
- static void sleepy_wrapper_cleanup(void *voidp)
- {
- struct thread_worker *worker = voidp;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker->lock);
- free(worker);
- }
- /* 这就是线程池内线程的执行函数了。 */
- static void* sleepy_wrapper(void *voidp)
- {
- struct thread_worker *worker = voidp;
- while (1) {
- pthread_cleanup_push(sleepy_wrapper_cleanup, worker); /* 预设置上一个清理函数,防止线程取消时内存泄漏。 */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&worker->lock); /* 空闲线程应该休眠于此,这个mutex在创建thread pool时就锁住了。或者本循环结束时锁住。 */
- worker->delay = get_ticks() - worker->delay; /* 暂时无用。 */
- if (THWK_F_CLEAN & worker->flags) /* 线程池正在清理本身,所以线程至此就退出了。 */
- goto done; /* 你可能觉得这个goto用得有些多余,但如果不这样编译就会提示句法错误,因为pthread_cleanup_{push,pop}是用宏实现的!你可以参考一下它们的实现。 */
- worker->flags |= THWK_F_RUNNING; /* 后述。 */
- if (worker->arg.action) /* 进行线程实际的工作 */
- worker->arg.action(worker->arg.what);
- done:
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker->lock); /* 解锁这个mutex,允许这个thread的下一次使用 */
- pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
- if (THWK_F_CLEAN & worker->flags) /* 清理线程池 */
- break;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&worker->lock); /* 先锁住这个锁,以让本循环开头的pthread_mutex_lock()使线程进入休眠。这个调用应该是成功的,否则就会引用deadlock。 */
- worker->flags &= ~THWK_F_RUNNING; /* 设计这个标志的意义在于防止有线程激活操作在以上unlock/lock之间发生,如果这样的话,就会引起deadlock,激活操作的实现后述。 */
- }
- pthread_exit(0);
- }
- /* 无需废话的函数。 */
- pthread_t thread_pool_rawid(struct thread_worker *worker)
- {
- return worker->id;
- }
- /* 如果线程被取消了,通知线程池忘记它,目前的实现很简单。*/
- void thread_pool_forget(struct thread_pool *pool, struct thread_worker *worker)
- {
- pool->total--;
- }
- /* 线程激活操作 */
- void thread_pool_activate(struct thread_worker *worker)
- {
- worker->delay = get_ticks();
- while (thread_pool_is_running(worker)) /* 防止出现deadlock */
- ;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker->lock); /* 使sleepy_wrapper()内循环开头部分的lock()操作返回,即线程得以唤醒执行实际的action(what)。 */
- }
- /* 另一个无须废话的函数 */
- int thread_pool_is_running(struct thread_worker *worker)
- {
- return (worker->flags & THWK_F_RUNNING);
- }
- /* 从线程池中借出一个线程,其实就是一个从链表头中摘出thread_worker的简单函数 */
- int thread_pool_lend(struct thread_pool *pool, void (*action)(void*), void* what, struct thread_worker **worker)
- {
- if (!action || !pool || !worker)
- return -EINVAL;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->lock);
- *worker = pool->first;
- if (worker) {
- (*worker)->arg.action = action;
- (*worker)->arg.what = what;
- pool->first = (*worker)->next;
- (*worker)->next = NULL;
- pool->current_nr--;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->lock);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 向线程池里归还一个thread,头插法插入thread_worker链表。 */
- int thread_pool_giveback(struct thread_pool *pool, struct thread_worker *worker)
- {
- if (!pool || !worker)
- return -EINVAL;
- while (thread_pool_is_running(worker))
- ;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->lock);
- worker->next = pool->first;
- pool->first = worker;
- worker->arg.action = NULL;
- worker->arg.what = NULL;
- pool->current_nr++;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->lock);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 虽然有点长,但仍然是无须废话:线程池创建 */
- struct thread_pool* thread_pool_create(int nr_to_create, pthread_attr_t *attr)
- {
- struct thread_pool *pool;
- struct thread_worker *worker;
- int i, chk;
- if (!nr_to_create)
- return NULL;
- pool = malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool));
- if (!pool)
- return NULL;
- pool->first = NULL;
- pool->total = 0;
- pthread_mutex_init(&pool->lock, NULL);
- for (i=0; i<nr_to_create; ++i) {
- worker = malloc(sizeof(struct thread_worker));
- if (!worker)
- break;
- memset(worker, 0, sizeof(struct thread_worker));
- pthread_mutex_init(&worker->lock, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&worker->lock);
- chk = pthread_create(&worker->id, attr, sleepy_wrapper, (void*)worker);
- if (chk) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker->lock);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&worker->lock);
- free(worker);
- break;
- }
- worker->next = pool->first;
- pool->first = worker;
- }
- pool->total = i;
- pool->current_nr = i;
- if (0 == i) {
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->lock);
- free(pool);
- pool = NULL;
- }
- return pool;
- }
- /* 清理线程池。 */
- int thread_pool_clean(struct thread_pool *pool)
- {
- struct thread_worker *worker;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->lock);
- if (pool->total != pool->current_nr) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->lock);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- while (NULL != (worker = pool->first)) {
- worker->flags = THWK_F_CLEAN; /* this is =, rather than |= ! */
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker->lock);
- pthread_join(worker->id, NULL);
- pool->first = worker->next;
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&worker->lock);
- free(worker);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->lock);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->lock);
- free(pool);
- return 0;
- }
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