2008-10-30 17:54:44
net-snmp 5.3.2 for embedded
cross compile using following method
#these paras can be treated by openwrt source tree
CC=mips-linux-uclibc-gcc \
CPP=mips-linux-uclibc-cpp \
AR=mips-linux-uclibc-ar \
STRIP=mips-linux-uclibc-strip \
LD=mips-linux-uclibc-ld \
--prefix=/home/river/netsnmp/lib \
--with-transports="UDP" \
--with-logfile="/var/log/snmpd.log" \
--with-sys-location="shanghai" \
--with-sys-contact="" \
--with-persistent-directory="/var/net-snmp" \
--with-default-snmp-version="2" \
--with-ldflags=-static \
--with-endianness=big \
--enable-mini-agent \
--with-mib-modules="ip-mib" \
--disable-mib-loading \
snmpd and mibs files are useful for us.
snmpd is in agent directory.
mibs files in prefix/share/snmp/mibs
Don't use the mib files in the source code.
if you associate the disable-mib-loading para when doing configure. You needn't install the mibs files at all.The
function for mib files is only to convert the numeric numbers into meaningful words.
config files: snmpd.conf
# sec.name source community
com2sec local public
com2sec mynetwork public
# sec.model sec.name
group MyRWGroup v1 local
group MyRWGroup v2c local
group MyRWGroup usm local
group MyROGroup v1 mynetwork
group MyROGroup v2c mynetwork
group MyROGroup usm mynetwork
# incl/excl subtree mask
view all included .1 80
# context sec.model sec.level match read write notif
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all none
# System contact information
syslocation DNI, shanghai.
syscontact Chiangming<>
I don't know which is the default directory for this config files. So I using -c para to start the snmpd
using the following command
/usr/sbin/snmpd -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
./snmpd -f -Le -d
-f : don't fork
-Le : log to stderr
-d : show sent and received SNMP packets
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public .
if you don't compile the ip-mib mode into your target. no result will show.
with more mibs configure it as follows
--with-mib-modules="ip-mib mymib_init"
mibs extentions:
just add .c and .h file into agent/mibgroup. then add your mib module para to
--with-mib-modules. It will be OK! if you find that you can't set value for this node.
It may caused by access problem. you can edit your snmpd.conf. add the write prevelidge for MyROGroup.
Also See the following reference website for more details on mibs extension