media server 安装
1、操作系统 AIX下,安装media server需要的 软件包,及相关的license
ICS_AIX (对带库控制的软件包)
veritas6.5_AIX (aix 下的server )
veritas6.5_unix_OPTIONS (数据库agent)
enterprise client license (media server)
server license (server license)
database 的license (database agent license)
Symantec Private Branch
[root@ywa:/]#lslpp -l |grep VRT
VRTSicsco COMMITTED Symantec Infrastructure Core
VRTSpbx COMMITTED Symantec Private Branch
#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key 得到当前输入的 license
License Key Utility
A) Add a License Key
D) Delete a License Key
F) List Active License Keys
L) List Registered License Keys
H) Help
q) Quit License Key Utility
Enter a letter: L
Enter the name of the host (default is ywa):
假如有ISO 文件,没有光盘,则可以通过dd iso 文件到 一个lv中,lv名为: backlv,文件系统为:/bak
#dd if=ICS_AIX.iso of=/dev/backlv bs=1m
#mount /bak
#smit nfs //也可以通过nfs 出去,这样其他机器也可以用了。呵呵呵
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured)
Network File System (NFS)
Network Information Service (NIS)
Network Information Service Plus (NIS+)
Configure Secure NFS & NIS
Cache FS
Proxy File System
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Configure NFS on This System
Add a Directory to Exports List
Change / Show Attributes of an Exported Directory
Remove a Directory from Exports List
Add a File System for Mounting
Change / Show Attributes of an NFS File System
Remove an NFS File System
Flush NFS V4 Translation Cache
Add NFSv4 File System FSID Options
Change / Show NFSv4 File System FSID Options
Reset NFSv4 File System FSID Options
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Start NFS
Stop NFS
Change Number of nfsd, biod, lockd Daemons
Change Version 4 Server Root Node
Change Version 4 Server Public Node
Start Automounter
Stop Automounter
Configure NFS Local Domain
Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping
Configure Local Realm Mapping
Configure Default Client Security
Change Version 4 Lease Time
Configure Version 4 Replication
Configure Version 4 Server Delegation
Configure Version 4 Client Delegation
Configure Version 4 Grace Period
#echo "node1 " >> /etc/hosts
#mount node1:/bak /bak
media server 的操作:
#cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd 用命令
#cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies
# ls
README db2.filelist misc nbclient
README.busy_files db_begin_bkup ms_exchange.filelist nbstcapacity
available_media db_begin_streams ms_exchange_200x.filelist netbackup
bp.kill_all db_end_bkup ms_exchange_kms.filelist new_clients
bpend_notify db_end_streams ms_exchange_mailbox.filelist oracle_rman.filelist
bpend_notify.bat duplicate_images ms_exchange_pub.filelist oracle_xml_export.filelist
bpend_notify_busy edit_services ms_exchange_srs.filelist pltemplates
bperrcode fimselector ms_sharepoint_2003.filelist stseventlistener
bpplconvert lotusnotes.filelist ms_sharepoint_server.filelist support
bpstart_notify mail_bp_reports ms_sharepoint_ws.filelist verify_images
bpstart_notify.bat man nbac_cron windows2000.filelist
check_coverage media_deassign_notify nbac_install_helper windows2003.filelist
cleanstats mediascripts
#./netbackup stop 停止 media server
#./netbackup start 启动 media server
#cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
BACKUP_CALLED bpdbm_parent cat_convert nbpem
SPSRecoveryAsst bpdbsbora cluster nbproxy
add_media_server bpdm dbbackup_notify nbpushdata
add_media_server_on_clients bpdynamicclient diskfull_notify nbrb
admincmd bpfilter fsanalyze nbrmms
backup_exit_notify bpfis goodies nbsl
backup_notify bphdb initbpdbm nbstserv
bmrc bpinst initbprd nbsvcmon
bmrsavecfg bpjava-msvc install_bp ndmpclient
bmrsetupclient bpjava-susvc install_client_files oracle_link
bp bpjava-usvc jbpSA parent_end_notify
bp.kill_all bpjobd jnbSA parent_start_notify
bp.start_all bplist libobk.a private
bpadm bpmount libobk.a64 restore_notify
bparchive bpnbat merge_auth_templates session_notify
bpbackup bporaexp mtfrd session_start_notify
bpbkar bporaexp64 nbdbms_start_stop support
bpbrm bporaimp nbemm tar
bpbrmds bporaimp64 nbevtmgr update_clients
bpcd bpps nbfirescan update_dbclients
bpclimagelist bprd nbfs update_luagent
bpclntcmd bprd.d nbfsd update_services
bpclusterutil bprd.lock nbftadm userreq_notify
bpcompatd bprestore nbftclnt version
bpcompatd.lock bpsynth nbgp vxlogcfg
bpdbm bptm nbjm vxlogmgr
bpdbm.lock bptpcinfo nblu_registration vxlogview
bpdbm_child bpubsora nbmtrans
#./bp.kill_all 停止不了的时候,kill 掉所有进程
#./available_media 查看可用的磁盘
#./bpps -a //查看当前运行的 进程
安装完 media server 之后,需要下面的操作:
#su - oracle
#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/oracle_link //把数据库与带库进行一个 连接初始化。数据库备份时,
dmp 备份
利用 veritas 备份 dmp 文件,最后先新建一个文件系统存放 dmp 文件。
#smit mklv
Logical volume TYPE [jfs2] +
POSITION on physical volume middle +
RANGE of physical volumes minimum
新建文件系统 /dmp
#smit crfs
#smit jfs2
#vi /dmp/jwk/
export ORACLE_SID=jw1
exp backup/backup001 buffer=4096000 full=y compress=n file=/dmp/jwk/jwk_full_bak.dmp log=/dmp/jwk/jwk_full_bak.log
#crontab -e
0 23 * * * su - oracle -c /dmp/jwk/
这样之后利用 veritas 备份 /dmp/jwk/ 目录
1、xxx 部门 veritas 6.5 认带库HP storageworks DAT72 时,机械手不可配置。
解决方法: 下载NBU 最新补丁:6.5.3 ,打上 补丁,能正常配置。
veritas NBU 备份补丁下载网址:
2、veritas rman 备份。
因为启用了 VCS 双机,private 网卡上挂载两个地址:一个private 心跳地址,一个 VIP。 并且同一个网段。
出现rman备份连接不成功的错误。把备份的地址更改为 boot private 的地址,备份成功。
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