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分类: Web开发

2016-03-16 22:44:38

Purpose: Build a shopping list web app working with AngularJS, MySQL and Bootstrap.  See the here.  Download the project .

I am quickly trying to learn AngularJS for an upcoming project and I wanted to work with the framework to create something I can learn with.  I chose to make a very quick and easy shopping list web app for my family to use building off .  This way we can all share in the creation of a shopping list no matter where we are or who ends up at the store.


Yes, there are many 3rd party apps and services that provide this same functionality, but none of those allow for me to learn Angular or offer the speed and convenience as this.

I wont go into heavy details here as there are many AngularJS tutorials on the web to get the basic info for creating the general structure of an Angular app (such as ng-app=”myApp”, ng-controller=”MyController”).  Lets just jump right into the mix.

First, lets create the MySQL table.  The sql file for this is located in the download link above.  Use that to setup your tables.

For this tutorial I am first going to go through all the HTML and template pages then circle back to show the app.js controller potion and PHP that ties it all together.  Hopefully that makes things a little clearer rather than jumping between.

Looking at the index.html file there are few things to note:

Notice we are using  ng-include src="'templates/shop.html'" to include a separate html file that contains the majority of our Angular items.  The actual index.html is rather straight forward so wont I spend time on this.  Don’t forget to declare your app ng-app="shopApp">  and controller ng-controller="shopController">  here and also include the Angular library as well as the path to your app.js file.


Now lets take a look at our templates/shop.html that we use to display out items.

First we have our form to add a new item to our list.  This is a standard web form but we use some Angular directives to bind and trigger our insert statement.  Using ng-model="itemInput" we can capture the data being typed in our input field and pass it to the click function in ng-click="addItem(itemInput); itemInput = null"  that will eventually be inserted into our MySQL table using the addItem() function (more later on this).

To filter our results once they are loaded into the page we create another text input.

Using the ng-model="filterItem" directive we can again capture the data and pass it along somewhere else in our program.

Finally, we need to output our list of items and make the associated triggers to show those items as complete or deleting them:

Notice we are using the ng-repeat directive for ng-repeat="item in items | filter : filterItem"  to show each item in the items data set.  ng-repeat is a very powerful directive in Angular and is the heart of this particular web app.  Here we also tie in our filterItem field so we can filter the results.

For the input we are setting the value to the status value from the data table using {{item.STATUS}} and when the item status is ==2 we set the input state as checked.  To trigger this we use  ng-click="changeStatus(item.ID,item.STATUS,item.ITEM) to update the entry in MySQL with the changeStatus() function found in our controller (more on that in a bit).  We then output our results in a with {{item.ITEM}} using ng-class="{strike:item.STATUS==2}"  to set the CSS for a strike-thru as well as format the date field with [{{item.CREATED_AT | date:”MMM d”}}].    Last we have a delete function in place to remove items as needed calling on another function in our controller via ng-click="deleteItem(item.ID)"


OK, on to our controller found in app.js

First we define our app ‘shopApp’ and our controller to use ‘shopController’.  Remember these are linking the asscoatiated areas found within index.html using ng-app="shopApp">  and ng-controller="shopController">

Now we enter our functions to make our various MySQL requests for creating, reading, updating and deleting our items (CRUD).

getItem() is our main function that you will see called.  This retrieves the data from our MySQL using the getItem.php file located in /ajax.

The remaining functions are all very similar once you understand the basic concepts.  By using $_GET within PHP we can pass the data into the MySQL query to get what we need.  By looking at addItem() we can see how this is done.  We call this function using  ng-click="addItem(itemInput)"  where the itemInput is from our input field.

Here we pass the item entered into our input field thru to MySQL to be inserted.  The PHP looks like this:

Again we are saying $_GET[‘item’] from our form and set it as the $item variable to be inserted in the item column.

The only function that is slightly different is our toggleStatus() function.  This triggers the item to be complete or not, by updating the status from 0 to 2.


As you can see Angular provides some pretty cool feature that help HTML become what it should have been when it was first released.  Granted we had no idea back then what we would be doing with it now.

This proved a great way for me to learn some of the basic features of this framework and looking forward to doing more with it.  Let me know how you might improve this in the comments below.

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