OMNeT++ — Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++
[root@localhost omnet]# ls
inet inet-3.2.0-src.tgz omnetpp-5.0b3 omnetpp-5.0b3-src-linux.tgz
[root@localhost omnet]#
----------------------install omnetpp
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]# pwd
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]# . setenv
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]# ./configure
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]# make -j4
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]# omnetpp
[root@localhost omnetpp-5.0b3]#
----------------------install inet
[root@localhost inet]# pwd
[root@localhost inet]# make makefiles
[root@localhost inet]# make -j4
----------------------install inet to omnetpp
3. Open the OMNeT++ IDE and choose the workspace where you have extracted the inet directory.
The extracted directory must be a subdirectory of the workspace dir.
4. Import the project using: File | Import | General | Existing projects into Workspace.
Then select the workspace dir as the root directory, and be sure NOT to check the
"Copy projects into workspace" box. Click Finish.
基于离散事件的OMNeT++,是一个免费的、开源的多协议,在网络仿真领域中占有十分重要的地位。OMNeT++英文全称是Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++,是近年来在科学和工业领域里逐渐流行的一种基于组件的模块化的开放的网络仿真平台。OMNeT++作为离散事件,具备强大完善的图形界面接口。
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