//source code: /run/media/root/E6B2798BB279614B/.../PAPER/paper-3/twin-engine-trigger-code/server-client-pthread-c
Description: guest access FCD by using SMD, there are two parts: browser on SMD and daemon written in c language
//browser on SMD:
guest access server on FCD by using browser on SMD;
socket(); //use WebSocket
connect(); //connect to daemon on SMD
send username to daemon WAIT on the same SMD;
executing tasks in brower; // take some time
if finish tasks then
send finish=1 to daemon WAIT on the same SMD;
end if
//daemon WAIT on SMD that waiting data sent by brower
if receive username from browser then
write username to pipe;
end if
if receive finish=1 from browser then
write finish=1 to pipe; // send to daemon MAIN
end if
//daemon MAIN on SMD
connect(); //connect to TCP Socket on FCD;
//fcdtime: time of sending heartbeat to FCD last;
fcdtime = currenttime;
pthread_create(WAIT); //daemon WAIT on SMD
while true do
read from pipe; //receive from daemon WAIT
if read username from pipe then
send heartbeat to FCD;
send username, processid to FCD;
if receive heartbeat from FCD then
SMD receive current process information from FCD;
update correlative tables in database;
end if
period = currenttime - fcdtime;
if period < 5 then //connectiong to FCD is normal
fcdtime = currenttime;
else if period > 30 then //server shutdown or connectiong to FCD is abnormal
trigger SMD;
redirect to localhost and invoke task in SMD
while true do
send heartbeat to FCD; //probe whether FCD is active
if receive heartbeat from FCD then
read from pipe; //receive from daemon WAIT
if finish=1 then
send finish to FCD;
send information for current process to FCD;
stop accessing MPE;
send information for current process to FCD;
sleep 3s; //waiting for FCD to update it's database
trigger FCD;
redirect to FCD and invoke task in FCD;
end if
end if
sleep 60s;
done //end while
end if
else if read finish=1 from pipe
send finish to FCD;
send information for current process to FCD;
end if
sleep 5s; //send heartbeat request every 5s to FPE
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