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2008-06-16 13:21:15

5A Unit1 教学方案 (第二课时)
第一部分 简要提示
一、年级:五年级                 二、单元:Unit1
三、课题:A new term              四、课型:单词句型新授课
五、教学内容:单元Part B C D
1. 掌握单词、词组:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, what lessons
2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:What day is it today? What subject do you like?
What lessons do you have in …? We have …
七、重点难点:1. 正确运用所学句型并进行回答。
              2. 能谈论各自感兴趣的学科。
第二部分   教学过程
1.  T: Nice to see you, boys and girls. Today we will learn Unit 1 Part BCD. 同学们好,今天我们将学习第一单元的BCD部分。At the first lesson, we learnt something about subjects. Do you remember? 上节课,我们学些了一些课程的英文名称,你们还记得吗?T: Let’s play a guessing game. Please guess, what subject it is. 请大家猜猜下面分别是什么课程。(PPT3)  (停顿时间稍长)
      Computer Studies, Science, PE, Art, Social Science, English    Are you right? 你们都猜对了吗?
2. T: Also, we knew something about Miss Li and her students’ new term. 上节课,我们还了解了李老师和她学生在新学期的一些情况,你们还记得吗?PPT4--6 屏幕中出现以下几个问题)
Please answer the questions

What lessons do they have in the morning?
How many subjects do they have this term? What are they?
What subject do Su Hai and Su Yang like?


1T: Su Hai likes Maths. Su Yang likes English. How about you? 你呢?What subject do you like? 你喜欢什么学科呢?(稍微停顿)(PPT6
      How about Ben? Ben呢?他喜欢什么学科呢?Let me ask him. 让我来问问他。(点击出现声音)
      如果你想了解别人喜欢什么学科,你可以问:What subject do you like? Follow me, please. ( 慢,带读) How about you ?PPT7
      Can you work in pairs like this? 你们能利用这些句型进行对话吗?Please open your books and turn to page 10. Practice Part D in pairs. 大家把书翻到第十页,同桌两个练习一下D部分吧。(PPT8
   T: Have you finished? 都完成了吗?Let’s have a check. 让我们来校对一下。(PPT910
      Are you right? 都答对了吗?
2. T: I know you like PE. 我知道你们都喜欢体育。So, how many PE lessons do you have a week? 你们一周有几节体育课呢?
    In my school, the students have 4 PE lessons a week, too.在我的学校,学生们一个星期有四节英语课。 Look, they have PE lessons on MondayTuesday, Thursday and Friday.看课表,在星期一、二、四和星期五各有一节英语课。 (ppt11)
There are five school days in a week. 一周有5天要上学。But how many days are there in a week? 一周里有几天呢?
Yes, there are 7days. PPT12
Look at the calendar. 看一下日历(PPT13
The first day is Sunday. 一周的第一天是周日。
The second day is Monday. 周一是一星期的第二天。请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)
After Monday, it’s Tuesday. Follow me, please.请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)
星期三,星期四怎么说呢?it’s Wednesday and Thursday. Read after me, please
    周五叫作Friday. Follow me, please.请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)
    And what day is it? 大家一起说说这天是星期几?Right, it’s Saturday.
    Now, I’d like to introduce the tale of days in a week to you. 现在,我想象大家介绍一下一星期中七天命名的典故。(图片)(PPT14
3. T: OK, boys and girls ,open your books and turn to page8. Let’s review the words together. 请同学们把书翻到第八页,我们一起把所学的新词复习一下。 Follow me, please. 请跟我读 (PPT 1516) 把新词汇领读一遍)
4. T: Now, let’s play a game. 下面我们来做个游戏。Look at the screen. 请大家看屏幕。(PPT17There’s an arrow and a turntable. 这里有一个箭头和一个转盘,等下,箭头停留在哪一天,就请同学们根据转盘所示内容,利用屏幕中所给句型进行对话。Follow me, please. 请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)
1.  T: OK. Boys and girls, look at the screen. Ben and his grandpa are talking about the timetable, too.同学们,看屏幕,Ben和他的爷爷正在谈论周一上午的课程,听一听,他们怎么说呢?
      Please listen carefully. (播放一段录音) PPT19
    TOh, 当我们想了解别人上午有什么课时,可以这样一来问:What lessons do you have in the morning? 当我们想了解别人下午有什么课时,可以问:What lessons do you have in the afternoon?PPT20
      Follow me, please. 请跟我读。
Now, can you talk about the timetable like them? 现在你们能像他们一样也谈论下面几张课程表吗?You man ask like this: 可以利用这些句型:(老师自己读下句型)(PPT20
都理解了吗? Please open your books and turn to page 9. Look at part C and work in pairs. 请把书翻到第九页,看C部分,同桌开始练习对话吧。(PPT21
TLet’s check the answers. 我们来校对下答案吧。(逐题校对PPT22—25)
可以问: What lessons do you have in the afternoon? 也可以问:What lessons do you have in the afternoon?
   Are you right? 你们都问答正确吗?
1.       T: Today we have a new friend—Linda. She is in Grade 5, too. She is talking about her timetable with her father.. 同学们,今天我们有一位新朋友, Linda. 她也是5年级的学生。她正在和她的爸爸谈论课程表。Can you listen to the tape and catch the answers? 你们能边听录音边完成下面这张课程表吗?加油!(PPT26
D: Linda, how many subjects do you have this term?
L: I have six, Dad. I like Maths very much.
D: Do you have Maths lessons on Monday?
L: No. On Monday morning, I have English, Science and PE.
D: What lessons do you have on Tuesday morning?
L: I have Maths, Social Science and Art.
D: What lessons do you have on Thursday morning?
L: I have Maths, PE and Science
THave you finished? 都填出来了吗?Let’s have a check. 让我们来校对一下。
TBoys and girls, we have learn Unit1 Part BCD。同学们,我们学习了第一单元的BCD部分,相信大家对一周内7天的英文名称有了进一步的了解。这里要提醒大家分清单词:subject lesson. Subject表示一个学期内的所学的科目,lesson表示每天所上的具体的课。
  希望同学们课后能多读、多说,掌握所学的知识。下节课再见。 Bye!
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