2010-11-20 09:22:59
IBM Certification III 考试题库由我们专业IT认证讲师及产品专家精心打造,包括了当前最新的全真试题,全部附有正确答案。题库的覆盖率在96%以上,在考试IBM认证厂商对考题做出变化时,考生都将在第一时间内更新,最终确保考生能一次通过考试。
1. The Menu Manager feature lets a user create menus and actions related to subprojects and files. Actions can be created with a set of predefined substitution variables for interactive commands. Which variable can be used to represent the host name or IP address of the system associated with a selected resource?
Answer: A
2. To debug a program inside a local project on the z/OS Projects view, the program must be built with the "/DEBUG" link option and which other option?
A.the "ADATA" compiler option
B.the "LIST" compiler option
C.the "/TEST" compiler option
D.the "/OUT" link option
Answer: C
3. Rational Developer for System z has a set of published application programming interfaces (APIs) to make integration with third-party tools or systems possible.
Which API allows developers to perform operations such as copy, rename, and delete on host system files?
B.Remote Resource Access API
D.Service Flow Programming Interface
Answer: B
4. When creating a "DB2 for z/OS" database connection via the Data perspective, which type of driver does the database manager use to enable interaction with the host database?
A.ODBC driver
B.JDBC driver
C.C++ driver
D.MySQL driver
Answer: B
5. You can create a property group file at the system level so that it is available to all the users of that system when they connect to it. To do so, you must first create a properties configuration file (propertiescfg.properties).
What is the function of this file?
A.to define the default property values for users of Rational Developer for System z
B.to define the default property values, and which users can access them
C.to define the locations of the system property group and the locations of the default value files
D.to define the property values for the various host-based projects and subprojects
Answer: C