2008-05-28 17:06:37
DB2 Universal Database v8 builds on the world's #1 enterprise database to simplifyanytime/anywhere information integration, streamline management, automate resource tuning,enhance business intelligence, and maximize performance, scalability, and reliability.
Now, IBM offers complete, start-to-finish coverage of DB2 Universal Database v8administration and development for UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms... and authoritativepreparation for IBM's newest DB2 certification exam.
This definitive reference and self-study guide covers every aspect of deploying andmanaging DB2 Universal Database v8, including best practices for DB2 database design anddevelopment; day-to-day administration and backup; expert techniques for deploying networked,Internet-centered, and XML-based database applications; migrating to DB2 UDB v8; and much more.You'll also find an unparalleled collection of IBM tips and tricks for maximizing theperformance, availability, and value of any database system. Coverage includes:
Manageability and serviceability enhancements, including new tools for storagemanagement and monitoring database health
Performance improvement withmultidimensional clustering, enhanced prefetching, threading of Java UDFs and storedprocedures, and materialized query tables
New Setup wizards, configuration assistants, GUItools, and DB2
Administration Server (DAS) improvements
Availability andscalability enhancements
New DB2 v8 Replication and Data Warehouse Centers
Major improvements for developers, including SQL, XML, JDBC, and CLIenhancements
Whether you're a DBA, a developer, a DB2 certification candidate, or all three, DB2Universal Database v8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database AdministrationCertification Guide is the one book you can't afford to be without.