2008-05-28 14:37:20
C++ is one of the most important languages today, but, as with all languages, itis not perfect. Far from it. Hence the topic (and title) of this book:
practicaltechniques for dealing with problems that arise in C++ programming
notbecause the programmer is inexperienced or incompetent, but because
thisotherwise powerful language is itself deficient in some respect.This book reduces the frustration and indecision programmers experienceeveryday when using C++. Far from being stymied by a lack of expressivenessin the language, it is commonly the vast array of potential paradigms andtechniques supported by C++ that causes the problems. Too many choices.Too much complexity. Where to begin? Where to go? The author, havinghimself experienced inherent C++ deficiencies for years, presents detailedsolutions for dealing with the aggravating problems they cause programmers.