2008-05-28 14:15:10
This work represents the culmination of several years of training and self-exploration within the confines of a specific sphere of study. It was in the early 1970's that I was led through a powerful therapeutic experience by two important people in my life, Frank Pucelik and Leslie Cameron (now Bandler). That session had a profound and lasting effect on me. Soon after the experience I found myself thinking, "I want to learn how to do that kind of magic!" And so I did. With the help of Leslie and Frank, I became
a member of a small experimental-research therapy group in Santa Cruz,California. Thus I became one of a growing number of people who were actually studying the magic of therapeutic growth and change.This extremely creative and generative group of people centered around two exciting and charismatic individuals:
Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Caught up in the enthusiastic energy of the group,I found my perceptions heightening,my abilities growing, and my own model of the world expanding as if by magic.
It wasn't enough,however,to simply learn how to do this therapeutic wizardry. I wanted to share it with others. I began to compile notebooks detailing my learning experiences and started to see clients under the supervision of therapists who were also interested in the Meta materials. It didn't take long to develop a style of my own, and I labeled my notes "A Model for a Process 'theory of Personality." I was sure I had found "The Right Track." It took a while for me to become aware of the trap I had set for myself.
As I read and continued to study and work with people,I discovered that my model was continually being stretched,extended,expanded,and enlarged.But just as often it was also shrunk,crushed,pierced,and mutilated.I was amazed.It was
during a moment of quiet desperation that I created a symbolic
representation of the wonderful contradictions confronting me. It
represents both the confusion I was feeling (don't get me wrong - I
thoroughly enjoyed it!) and recognition of the trap from which I
was escaping, the trap of thinking that there is only one reliable,
accurate, and successful path to therapeutic growth and change.
The symbol has held an important place tacked to the wall above
my typewriter. It looks like this:
My goal with this book is to present models of basic Meta principles which underlie the "magic" of effective change oriented communication. However, it is essential to keep ,mind how important it is to remain open to experience in
order to prevent becoming trapped or limited by a model.Towards that end I have structured parts of this presentation to emphasize that there are always
alternatives. We need only learn how to recognize them.