Variable Realtime Value
&CATEGORY CATEGORY field from the event
&DATEGEN Date when the event was generated. Format is YYYY/MM/DD.
&DEVICE Device field from the event.
&JOBNAME JOB NAME field from the event
&JOBNO JOB NUMBER field from the event
&JOBQUAL JOB QUALIFIER field from the event.
&JOBSET JOB SET field from the event.
&MSGNUM MESSAGE NUMBER field from the event.
&NODEID Node name from which the event originated.
&PID Process ID (PID) of the process that generated the message.
&PROGRAM PROGRAM field from the event.
&SEVERITY SEVERITY field from the event.
&SOURCE SOURCE field from the event.
&STATION WORKSTATION field from the event.
&TAG PLATFORM TAG field from the event
&TEXT Full text of the message.
&TIMEGEN Time when event was generated in format HH:MM:SS.
&TYPE Type of message (MSG, CMD, WTOR, and so forth).
&UDATA USER DATA field from the event.
&USERID User ID of the person who originated the message.
&1 &2 ... &99 (&n...&nn) Positional words from the start of the message text.Delimited by spaces only.
&R1 &R2... Positional words from the end of the event text.
&(Rm:Rn) Range of tokens from the end of the event text.
&ORIGUSER Original user ID of the acknowledged event.
&ORIGNODE Original node ID of the acknowledged event.
&NODENAME The node name part of DOMAIN\NODENAME of the node ID from which the event originated.
&NODEDOMAIN The domain part of DOMAIN\NODENAME of the node ID from which the event originated.
&EVENTDATA Event data field from the event.
&(n1:n2) Range of tokens. See Range of Tokens.
&(Rn:Rm) Reverse range of tokens. See Reverse Range ofTokens.
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