2010-07-08 23:31:08
/var/opt/OV/tmp/OpC/trace -----Agent Trace File
/var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/trace -----Server Trace File
/var/opt/OV/log/trc.log -----Trace Server's Log File
1. Make sure that ovtrcd is not running on that machine. The following command should not show ovtrcd is running on your machine.
# ps -ef | grep ovtrcd
2. If ovtrcd is running on the node, plz run the command to stop it.
# /sbin/init.d/OVTrcSrv -stop
3. Stop all the applications which you want to trace.
# ovc -kill (on the agent)
4. as root user, step into the directory "/var/opt/OV/tmp/", remove the tracing related files:
# rm -rf ovtrc.server.lock
# rm -rf hp.trc.*
5. Turn on OVO Trace flag by adding the following options.
=========================================For agent trace
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_DBG_EXCLUDE_AREA MUX,QM
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE_AREA ALL,DEBUG
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE_TRUNC FALSE
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRC_PROCS opcmsga,opcmsgi
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_DBG_PROCS opcmsga,opcmsgi
# ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE TRUE
=========================================For server trace
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_DBG_EXCLUDE_AREA MUX
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_TRACE_AREA ALL,DEBUG
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_TRACE_TRUNC FALSE
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_TRC_PROCS opcmsgrb,opcmsgm,opcdispm
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_DBG_PROCS opcmsgrb,opcmsgm,opcdispm
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_TRACE TRUE
6. Start the agent again:
# ovc -start
7. Start the trace server:
# /sbin/init.d/OVTrcSrv -start OR # /sbin/rc3.d/S900OVTrcsrv start
8. Add the client name or IP address to trace server
# /opt/OV/support/ovtrcadm -a
9. Check the client name or IP address which has be registered trace server
# /opt/OV/support/ovtrcadm -hosts
10. Generate a message on the agent:
opcmsg sev=normal a=a o=o msg_t=test101
11. Stop tracing.
===============================For Agent:
ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE FALSE
===============================For OVO Server:
ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_TRACE FALSE
12. Trace files:
/var/opt/OV/tmp/OpC/trace -----Agent Trace File
/var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/trace -----Server Trace File
13. Send file System.txt from agent and server log file
14. Plz note: you don't need to start/stop ovc when you do the following actions:
ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE TRUE
ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE FALSE