2007-09-25 17:53:06
use Socket; # # Determine the content type based upon the filename # sub define_content_type { my $name = shift or die 'usage is define_content_type( $filename )'; if ($name =~ /.htm/) { $string = "text/html"; } elsif ($name =~ /.txt/) { $string = "text/plain"; } elsif ($name =~ /.pl/) { $string = "text/plain"; } else { $string = "application/octet-stream"; } return( $string ); } # # Emit the standard HTTP response message header # sub emit_response_header { my $sock = shift; my $ct = shift; print $sock "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"; print $sock "Server: Perl shttp\n"; print $sock "Connection: close\n"; print $sock "Content-Type: ", $ct; print $sock "\n\n"; } # # HTTP 'GET' Method Handler # sub handle_get_method { my $sock = shift; my $fname = shift or die 'usage is handle_get_method( $sock, $filename )'; # Remove any '/' characters $fname =~ s/\///g; # If filename is now empty, convert it to the default if ($fname eq "") { $fname = "index.html"; } my ($content_type) = define_content_type( $fname ); emit_response_header( $sock, $content_type ); # Test the extistence of the requested file if (-e $fname) { # Open the file and emit it through the socket open( INFILE, $fname ); @theFile =; print $sock @theFile; print $sock "\n"; close( INFILE ); } else { print "File not found.\n"; # Unknown file -- notify client print $sock "HTTP/1.1 404\n\nFile not found.\n\n"; } } # # HTTP Connection Handler # sub handle_connection { my $sock = shift or die 'usage is handle_connection( $sock )'; # Get the request line from the client recv( $sock, $line, 1024, 0 ); # Split the GET request into its parts ($Request, $Filename, $Version) = split( ' ', $line, 3 ); # Check the request ?we handle only GET requests if ( $Request eq "GET" ) { # Call our GET method handler handle_get_method( $sock, $Filename ); } else { print "Unknown Method ", $Filename, "\n"; # Unknown method ?notify client print $sock, "HTTP/1.1 501 Unimplemented Method\n\n"; } } # # Initialization function for the simple HTTP server # sub Simple_Http_Server { my $addr = shift; my $port = shift or die 'usage is Simple_HTTP_Server( $addr, $port )'; # Create a new TCP Server socket socket( SRVSOCK, Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die "socket: $!"; # Make the local address reusable setsockopt( SRVSOCK, Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ); # Conver the dotted IP string to a binary address my $baddr = inet_aton( $addr ); # Create a packed address for the server my $paddr = sockaddr_in( $port, $baddr ); # Bind the local address to the server bind( SRVSOCK, $paddr ) or die "bind: $!"; # Enable incoming connections listen( SRVSOCK, Socket::SOMAXCONN ) or die "listen: $!"; while (1) { if ( accept( CLISOCK, SRVSOCK ) ) { handle_connection( CLISOCK ); close( CLISOCK ); } } } Simple_Http_Server( '', 80 );