在数据网络业界拥有近15年的行业工作经验。 曾和朋友一起创建公司,并担任CTO,负责在技术方面制定公司整体技术发展方向和规划,组建技术团队,并配合销售团队一同完成公司年度计划指标。
2011-05-25 08:25:47
Past Continuous
The past continuous is used to describe something that happened over a period of time in the past.You were wearing a blue T-shirt. He was wearing a green shirt. George was wearing his red tie.Was he wearing a black hat? Were you wearing your red shoes?
Linking with so and because
The conjunction because is used to describe the cause of something. For example:
We watched TV at home because we didn't have any money to go out.The thieves drove away because they saw the police car.
The conjunction so is used to show the results of an action. For example:
We wanted to question the thieves so we took them to the station. I didn't have any coffee at home so I bought one in a café.
Notice the position of the conjunctions in the sentences.