Compression is always performed, even if the compressed file is slightly larger than the original. Files of less than about one hundred bytes tend to get larger, since the compression mechanism has a constant overhead in the region of 50 bytes. Random data (including the output of most file compressors) is coded at about 8.05 bits per byte, giving an expansion of around 0.5%.
即使压缩后的文件略大于原文件, 压缩也总是照样进行。 小于大约 100 字节的文件压缩后倾向于变大, 因为会有一个 50 字节的数据头。 对于随机数据 (包括大多数压缩软 件的输出), 大约每字节压成 8.05 位, 放大率约为 0.5%。
使用ls -lh 查看压缩前后的对比
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