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2008-04-08 14:01:32

January 19th, 2007

Ekiga in the Maemo development environment

Following with , in the project I am collaborating with, we are interested in making VoIP calls using our libraries in the Nokia 770. We are going to explore the possibility of using , a VoIP and videconferencing client for GNOME. Furthermore, as I will probably buy a N800 in the next days or weeks, I am getting ready to test videconferencing with Ekiga on the N800 :-) .

My first impressions, it is going to be a little hard to have a fully functional Ekiga on the 770/N800, but so far sounds work, calls work also, and video hardware I think it will work.

of Ekiga running on the Maemo 2.1 environment.

These are the instructions to compile it. Pay attention to the options passed to the configure scripts, otherwise it will not compile. Follow strictly the order of my instructions to install all the libraries needed by Ekiga.

  • Login on the scrathbox environment, and select the profile:
    • sbox-config -st SDK_PC (or SDK_ARMEL to cross-compile for ARM)
  • Download LDAP sources
  • tar zxvf openldap-2.3.32.tgz
  • cd openldap-2.3.32
  • ./configure –disable-backends –enable-shell
  • make depend
  • make
  • make install
  • Download Ekiga sources
  • tar zxvf pwlib-1.10.2.tar.gz
  • cd pwlib-1.10.2
  • ./configure && make && make install
  • cd ..
  • tar zxvf opal-2.2.3.tar.gz
  • cd opal-2.2.3
  • ./configure && make && make install
  • cd ..
  • tar zxvf ekiga-2.0.3.tar.gz
  • cd ekiga-2.0.3
  • ./configure –disable-doc –disable-gnome –disable-avahi –disable-sdl –with-pwlib-dir=/usr/local –with-opal-dir=/usr/local
  • make
  • make install

Now Ekiga is compiled and installed in the scratchbox. You can test it, by following these instructions:

  • Launch Xephyr (follow the instructions given in if needed)
  • start
  • ekiga

Ekiga will launch now the configuration wizard. Although it will not be properly working (very big fonts, the virtual keyboard interferes with the windows, etc), I think it could be adapted to work on the 770/N800.

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thomation2008-04-09 18:28:17

唉,这个ekiga呀,以上版本的几个软件很难下载到,用迅雷能下到ekiga,其他的得去sourceforge上下载 我用ekiga 2.0.12居然configure出错了,具体解决方法也搞不清楚,改了configure.in文件也不行