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2012-02-15 16:20:22

Windows XP Embedded是一种嵌入式操作系统,可以以组件化的形式提供 Windows 操作系统的功能。Windows XP Embedded 与 Windows XP Professional 一样基于二进制,包含 10,000 多个独立的功能组件,因此开发人员在自定义设备映像中管理或降低内存占用量时可以选择并获得最佳功能。

Windows XP Embedded是这种领先的桌面操作系统的组件化版本,它能够快速开发出最为可靠的全功能连接设备。它采用与Windows XP Professional相同的二进制代码,从而使得嵌入式开发人员能够只选择那些小覆盖范围嵌入式设备所需的丰富定制化特性。Windows XP Embedded构建在已经得到验证的Windows® 2000代码库基础之上,它提供了业内领先的可靠性、安全性和性能,并且具备最新的多媒体、Web浏览、电源管理及设置支持功能。Windows XP Embedded还集成了最新的嵌入式支持功能,例如无头支持以及灵活的启动与存储选项。此外,它还包含一套全新设计的工具集Windows Embedded Studio,这套工具使得开发人员能够更快速配置、构建并部署智能化设计方案。

Windows XP Embedded (XPe)系统是北京奥运会开幕式的功臣!2008北京奥运会开幕式的盛大隆重华美不仅征服了国人,也赢得了世界各国媒体的交口称赞.开幕式上的灯光投影 控制,尤其是最后李宁在一条灯光打出的虚拟卷轴跑道上“飞”过的情形,令所有看完开幕式的朋友惊奇不已.为了保持飘逸的跑步姿态,据说李宁在一个多月之前 就开始了身体锻炼以确保达到要求,李宁的辛苦付出获得了完美成功,当然这和奥运会灯光投影后台控制系统以及所有工作人员的努力也密不可分.

关于 Windows XP Embedded 的微软官方下载网址:

1.Windows XP Embedded SP2 英文版:



2.SP2 简体中文界面包:


3.SP2 繁体中文界面包:


XPE 的相关工具

1.XP Embedded SP1 Disk 1:


2.XP Embedded SP1 Disk 2:


3.SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE):


4.XP Embedded SP1 Tools:


XP Embedded SP1 Database (1/3)


XP Embedded SP1 Database (2/3)


XP Embedded SP1 Database (3/3)


Chinese (Simplified) MUI Package - XP Embedded SP1


Chinese (Traditional) MUI Package - XP Embedded SP1




Microsoft Windows XP Embedded can be installed and configured for use on a single computer, or it can be installed in a team environment. In the single-computer environment, you are working alone to define components and generate a run-time image. This means that you need to install the development tools and component database on the same computer. When working in a team environment, some developers are defining components, while others are creating configurations to build a run-time image. This means that you will typically install the component database on a shared server that everyone on the team can use. In a team development environment, most team members will install only the development tools on their individual computers.

The following table provides a list of installation options.

Installation option Description
Development tools only Creates a development system that connects to a shared component database, which enables multiple users to use a common component database and repositories. It requires fewer resources than a standalone configuration.

To install the development tools, follow the procedures in Installing the Development Tools.

During installation, you specify the component database server. Only the development tools are installed on your computer. The development tools must have a connection to a component database server at all times.

Development tools and component database on a single computer Creates a development system that contains the tools and component database. The development tools and the software required to build a Windows XP Embedded run-time image are located on the same computer.

To install the development tools and component database, follow the procedures in Installing the Development Tools. Next, follow the procedures in . To complete the installation, follow the procedures in .

This configuration requires installation of SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE), which is furnished on the Windows XP Embedded installation media.

Shared component database in a team environment Creates a development system in which the component database and repositories are installed on a shared server.

To install a shared component database for a team environment, follow the procedures in . To complete the installation, follow the procedures in .

Note Dual installations of the database are not supported, either on the same or different drives or partitions.


1.先装桌面工具Development tools

2.装数据库Database Engine

3.装载组件数据Component Database



语言安装包:langchh.exe 或者langchs.exe
语言库升级包:langchssp2.exe 和 langchtsp2.exe

附上一个安装列序号:FBTDP-YJ4KX-V927K-3HVTV-RT3HM (实验用,请大家尽量支持正版)


1. Disc 1 WXPECLIENT1.ISO XPE开发环境SP1安装盘------1

用winrar右键“解压到当前文件及”解压3个文件、 、,解压完后你会发现、tools.cab会解压到DISK1文件夹中,DISK1文件夹中多了TOOLS、SQLMSDE这两个文件夹。DISK1里面的文件就是光盘1的内容,把他们刻录成光盘就行了。

2 .Disc 2 WXPECLIENT2.ISO XPE开发环境SP1安装盘-------2
把disk2.cab解压到当前文件夹中(DISK2),在DISK2文件中建立文件夹路径:DISK2\DATABASE\Windows Embedded Data\Repositories\,(即在DISK2文件中的DATEBASE中新建文件夹
Windows Embedded Data,打开后在建Repositories文件夹,并把


3个文件剪切到Repositories文件夹中。 DISK2里面的文件就是光盘2的内容了。

3. Disc 3 WXPESp2Upd.ISO XPE开发环境SP2安装盘---------3



在DISK1中,点SETUP.EXE打开安装向导,进行Tools setup和Database Engine setup 安装。

在DISK2中,点SETUP.EXE打开安装向导,进行Datebase Setup和Remote Boot Setup 安装。



语言安装包:langchh.exe 或者langchs.exe
语言库升级包:langchssp2.exe 或者 langchtsp2.exe

Windows XP Embedded Studio到这里安装完毕!运行Target Designer,开始windows xp embedded系统的开发。

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