2009-10-11 10:45:13
Window环境文字的输入(如textbox)都是Insert Mode而不管实际KeyBoard 的状态是 Ins/Repl,以下程式可放在TextBox/ComboBox等Control的Keypress Event中,使得 该Control的文字输入具有OverWrite的功能,而且其最大的文字输入个数不再以Word 为准,而改以Byte为准,符合中文要求。
'以下在form中 Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call KeyPress(KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub Combo1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call KeyPress(KeyAscii, 10) End Sub '以下在.bas module中 Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer '第一个叁数来自KeyPress Event的KeyAscii '第二个叁数表示文字最多可输入几个byte,若省略,且文字输入的Control是textbox '则最多输textbox中Maxlength的个数(by Byte),若为0表不限定输入字数(by Byte) '第三个叁数用在Control项有与DatasSource 做mapping时,其文字输入的最大长度 '变成table中栏位的最大长度 '传回传1代表keyascii的值被改过(如:超过字串长),0表一切正常 Public Function KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer, Optional Maxlen As Variant, Optional dbsource As Control) As Integer Dim insmd As Integer, CarStart As Integer Dim tmpstr As String Dim ctl As Control Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then If ctl.MultiLine Then If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then KeyPress = 0 Exit Function End If End If End If If KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then KeyPress = 0 Exit Function End If If IsMissing(Maxlen) Then If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then If dbsource Is Nothing Or Screen.ActiveControl.DataField = "" Then Maxlen = ctl.MaxLength Else Maxlen = dbsource.Recordset.Fields(Screen.ActiveControl.DataField).Size End If Else Maxlen = 0 End If End If insmd = GetKeyState(vbKeyInsert) And vbShiftMask If insmd = 0 Then If ctl.SelLength = 0 Then CarStart = ctl.SelStart tmpstr = Mid(ctl.Text, 1, ctl.SelStart) tmpstr = tmpstr + Chr(KeyAscii) + Mid(ctl.Text, ctl.SelStart + 2) ctl.Text = tmpstr KeyAscii = 0 If strlen(ctl.Text) > Maxlen And Maxlen <> 0 Then ctl.Text = SubStr(ctl.Text, 1, Maxlen) If strlen(ctl.Text) < Maxlen Then ctl.Text = ctl.Text + " " End If KeyPress = 1 Else KeyPress = 0 End If ctl.SelStart = CarStart + 1 Else KeyPress = 0 End If Else If strlen(ctl.Text + Chr(KeyAscii)) > Maxlen And Maxlen <> 0 Then KeyAscii = 0 KeyPress = 1 Else KeyPress = 0 End If End If End Function |