这篇文章是2006年的一篇文章,是"What makes transaction faster"那篇文章的后继版本
致性的问题,后者会严重影响性能。其实,在TL中,最重要的是那个read set的构建代价
Transactional Locking II
TL2 uses commit mode of TL. There is a shared global-version variable per
transaction system implementation(per application or per datastructure). Each
transaction has a local read set(containing the lock addresses associated with
variables it read) and a local write set (containing the addresses, the values
it write).
Writing Transactions (transactions that writes the shared memory)
1. Sample the global version-clock. Load it into a thread local variable called
read version number(rv).
2. Run through a speculative execution.
a. Check to see if the load address appears in its write set. If so, return
the value. Do not execute step (d).
b. load the variable, load the lock, check the lock is free, and version in
it is <= rv
c. Added an entry in local read set.
store each (address, value) pair in the local write-set
3. Commit
a. Lock the write set just like TL.
b. Increament and fetch global version clock atomically. Recording the
current value of global version in a local variable write version number(wv)
c. Validate the read set
if rv+1 == wv return true
Checking every location in the read set that the version number
associated with the versioned-write-lock is <= rv
d. write each location in write set back to variable, release the locks and
set the version to wv(use a store).
Low-Cost Read-Only transaction(Transactions not modifying the shared data)
1. Sample the global-version-clock, load it to a local variable rv.
2. After each load, check that the associated lock is free and version is
<= rv, otherwise abort.
Problem: How does the paper implements the low contention global version clock?
To make TL or TL2 can use hardware transactions, we only need let the HTM
checking that every location it read or write has a free lock, and every write
location's lock is increamanted.
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