This paper concerns software support for non-blocking transactions in shared
memory mutiprocessors. This implementation supports dynamic transactions.
The key is using a lock-free(but not wait-free) multi-word compare and swap
1. This implementation is based on a "conditional wait-free" MWCAS
operation. The wait-free MWCAS is costly in memory and less effecient, and
the lock-free(not wait-free) ones are not guarantee termination. The
conditional wait-free is a lock-free implementation and allows comunicating
with external helpping mechanism. This allows to using a high level helping
mechanism to guarantee termination.
2. One word compare and swap operation.
3. The implementation of Multi-word compare and swap operation in this paper
is similar to STM with a few optimizations specific to MWCAS.
/* conditionally wait-free MWCAS operation implementation*/
/* hard to understand...*/
type valtype /*any type that fits into one machine word;*/
addr:array[0..W-1] of 0..M-1
old,new:array[0..W-1] of valtype
/* shared variables */
LOCK:array[0..M-1] of lock_type init (-1,0)
STAT:array[0..N-1] of stat_type init (init,succ)
MEM:array[0..M-1] of valtype
PAR:array[0..N-1] of par_type
Note: Lock-free means that a thread cannot lock up, every step it takes
brings progress to system(even a process crashes or held up, the rest of the
system still carry on). Wait-free means that a thread can finish an
operation in a finite number of steps, regardless of the actions of other
threads. Obstruction-free is the weakest one, it only demands that any
partially-completed operation can be aborted and the changes made roll back.
Observe from outside is that, at any point, a single thread executed in
isolation(i.e. with all maybe obstructing threads suspended) for a bounded
number of steps will complete its operation.
4. An easy example of tm used in FIFO queue.
5. I think this paper presented the "real" stm concept.
/* lock-free transaction implementation explaned detailedly in paper*/
/* types */
ver: integer
blk: 0..B-1+N*T
pid: 0..N /* added for wait-free*/
blktype=array [0..S-1] of valtype
nodeptr=pointer to nodetype
left, right: nodeptr
blk: 0..B-1
old, new: wordtype
dirty: bool
vertype=record /*added for wait-free*/
ver: integer
active: boolean
anctype=record /* added for wait-free*/
tran: trantype
pars: partype
/*shared data structures*/
BLK array[0..B-1+N*T] of blktype
/*0..B-1+2N for wait-free, 0..B-1 are treated as wordtype, B..B+N-1 as
* valtype,B+N..B+2N-1 as vertype*/
BANK array[0..B-1] of wordtype
/*initially, BANK[n]=(0, n+N*T) && BLK[n+N*T] is nth block of initial value*/
/*private variables*/
copy, oldlst:array[0..T-1] of 0..B-1+N*T
i,cnt, dcnt: 0..T
ret: valtype
view, ptr:nodeptr
/*initially copy[n]=p*T+n view==nil*/
/*following shared data are added for wait-free*/
ANC: array[0..N-1] of anctype
HELP: array[0..N-1, 0..N-1] of vertype
5. Wait-free implementation.
Similar to lock-free one, except for a few changes.
a. Add two words to MWCAS operation, the first records transaction
return values, the second indicate that this transaction has been
compeleted, donot re-execute it.
b. Add an announce array to records transactions executed by processes,
so other can help it finish this transaction.
c. Introduce a HELP array, through which processes "request help" in
order to ensure that their transactions eventually complete.
6. MWCAS has limited some concurrency. See the last paragraph in paper.
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