- #lang racket
- ;; macro for easy testing
- ;; (test 'utname target-expr expectation)
- (define-syntax test
- (syntax-rules (===)
- ((_ name expr === expect)
- (let ((val-expr expr) (val-expect expect))
- (if (equal? val-expr val-expect)
- (printf "Test ~a\tDone\n" name)
- (eprintf "Test ~a\tFailed: expecting ~a, got ~a\n"
- val-expect
- val-expr))))))
- ;; multi-argument functions
- ;; curry it into a set of single argument functions
- (define (curry-2 f)
- (lambda (x)
- (lambda (y)
- (f x y))))
- (test 'curry-add
- (((curry-2 +) 1) 2) === (+ 1 2))
- (test 'curry-sub
- (((curry-2 -) 2) 1) === (- 2 1))
- ;; void value
- ;; for functions without arguments,
- ;; we use a single argument function with void as its argument.
- (define void (lambda (x) x))
- (define (no-arg f)
- (lambda (arg)
- (f)))
- (test 'no-arg-current-error-port
- ((no-arg current-error-port) void) === (current-error-port))
- (test 'no-arg-pi
- ((no-arg (lambda () pi)) void) === ((lambda () pi)))
- ;; use non-termination to signal error
- (define (error . args)
- ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))))
- ;; boolean encoded into a choosing lambda
- ;; bwt: yes multiple arguments function, remember the curry-2 trick?
- (define true (lambda (on-true on-false) (on-true)))
- (define false (lambda (on-true on-false) (on-false)))
- ;; if expression
- (define iff (lambda (condition on-true on-false)
- (condition on-true on-false)))
- (test 'boolean-if-true
- (iff true
- (lambda () 42)
- (lambda () 43))
- ===
- 42)
- (test 'boolean-if-false
- (iff false
- (lambda () 42)
- (lambda () 43))
- ===
- 43)
- ;; church numbers
- ;; every number is a two argument lambda,
- ;; n applies the first argument n times on the second.
- (define zero (lambda (f x) x))
- ;; define +1 operation
- (define (add1 n)
- (lambda (f x)
- (f (n f x))))
- (define one (add1 zero))
- (define two (add1 one))
- ;; define add num num
- (define (addd n1 n2)
- (lambda (f x)
- (n2 f (n1 f x))))
- ;; testing Church number
- (define (inc x) (+ x 1)) ;; this is our f for counting applications
- (test 'number-zero
- (zero inc 0) === 0)
- (test 'number-one
- (one inc 0) === 1)
- (test 'number-two
- (two inc 0) === 2)
- (test 'number-add
- ((addd two (add1 two)) inc 0) === 5)
- ;; from the number with add-operation and conditional branch, we can define any thing.
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