目 录
系统资源需求 .....................................1
光盘备份 .....................................1
2.1 smitty 工具备份......................................1
2.2 创建cd_image成功日志.........................3
2.3 mkcd 命令备份........................................4
更改文件名 ........................................4
刻录光盘 ....................................5
六、恢复系统 ....................................5
mkcd目录,下含三个目录,挂载不同的三个rootvg 下的LV。所以总体仍需要足量的文件系统空间。
此文档是在AIX 5.3上实验所得。
2.1 用smitty工具
#smitty mkdvd
Use an existing mksysb image? x
x Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. x
1yes -- 如果首先通过smitty mksysb已经创建了image,则选它
2 no --通过mkdvd来创建image,此次选NO
DVD由于有两种格式,一种是ISO9660 一种是UDF格式。此次选ISO9660
DVD-R or DVD-RAM Device [由于不带刻录,所以此处为空,否则会失败,使用命令方式则必须指定,但需要技巧处理]
mksysb creation options:
Create map files? YES +
Exclude files? no +
Disable software packing of backup? no +
Backup extended attributes? yes +
File system to store mksysb image [/sysimag]
(If blank, the file system 建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录
will be created for you.)
File system to store DVD file structure [/sysimag]
(If blank, the file system 建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录
will be created for you.)
File system to store final DVD images [/sysimag] /
(If blank, the file system 建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录
will be created for you.)
If file systems are being created:
Volume Group for created file systems [rootvg] +
Advanced Customization Options:
Do you want the DVD to be bootable? yes 表示可以引导系统,选NO,则需要操作系统光碟引导,再进行恢复。
Remove final images after creating DVD? yes +
Create the DVD now? NO +
Install bundle file [] /
File with list of packages to copy to DVD [] /
Location of packages to copy to DVD [] +/
Customization script [] /
User supplied bosinst.data file
Debug output? no +
User supplied image.data file
通过smitty mkcd与上所填一样。
Initializing mkcd log: /var/adm/ras/mkcd.log...
Verifying command parameters...
Creating image.data file...
Creating mksysb image...
Creating list of files to back up.
Backing up 33761 files..........................
33761 of 33761 files (100%)
0512-038 mksysb: Backup Completed Successfully.
Populating the CD or DVD file system...
Copying backup to the CD or DVD file system...
Building chrp boot image...
Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_15698
Running mkisofs ...
mkrr_fs was successful.
Making the CD or DVD image bootable..
mkcd 成功的日志
Initializing mkcd log: /var/adm/ras/mkcd.log...
Verifying command parameters...
Creating image.data file...
Creating mksysb image...
Creating list of files to back up.
Backing up 33772 files.........................
33772 of 33772 files (100%)
0512-038 mksysb: Backup Completed Successfully.
Populating the CD or DVD file system...
Copying backup to the CD or DVD file system...
Building chrp boot image...
Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_11596.vol1
Running mkisofs ...
mkrr_fs was successful.
Making the CD or DVD image bootable...
Copying the remainder of the backup to the CD or DVD file system...
Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_11596.vol2
Running mkisofs ...
mkrr_fs was successful.
#mkcd -L -d /dev/cd0 -M /sysimag -C /sysimag -I /sysimag -S 须要指定光驱名,这是DVD方式。
#mkcd -d /dev/cd0 -M /sysimag -C /sysimag -I /sysimag -S 须要指定光驱名,这是CD方式。
如果没有指定目录,则会在rootvg中生成/mkcd/mksysb_image 、mkcd/cd_fs 、 /mkcd/cd_images三个文件系统。
此步很关键,关系到整个事情的成败。如果机器上是带刻录的DVD,则不需此步。由于mkcd 创建的是cd_image_15698 是isofs,但没有.iso
#mv cd_image_15698 cd_image_15698.iso
方法一:用ftp 命令get一个文件。在此不述。
用备份光盘引导,先按2,再选1 Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install.--- 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System
Recovery ------5 Install from a System Backup
Choose mksysb Device
Type the number of the device containing the system backup to be
installed and press Enter.
Device Name Path Name
>>> 1 cdrom/ide/DVDROM16X /dev/cd0
cp: /SPOT/mkcd.data: No such file or directory
cp: /SPOT/bosinst.data: No such file or directory
cp: /SPOT/image.data: No such file or directory
System Backup Installation and Settings ---这时已经进行系统的恢复了。
Installing Base Operating System
Approximate Elapsed time
% tasks complete (in minutes)
42 5 47% of mksysb data restored. 进度表
Please remove the mksysb media from the drive, insert the product media, and press the ENTER key. 因为用的是DVD,所有的备
份都刻在一块碟上,不存在product media ,所以不需要把碟拿出,而是直接回车即可。如果用的是CD碟,则在备份时候就有两张以上,然后根据实
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