Apache Server Information
, , , , , , , , , , , mod_security.c, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
API Version: 19990320:15
Run Mode: standalone
User/Group: www(67)/67
Hostname/port: oamp.example.net:80
Daemons: start: 5 min idle: 5 max idle: 10 max: 150
Per-child rlimits:
Max Requests: per child: 0 keep alive: on max per connection: 100
Threads: per child: 0
Excess requests: per child: 0
Timeouts: connection: 300 keep-alive: 15Server Root: /var/www
Config File: conf/httpd.conf
PID File: logs/httpd.pid
Scoreboard File: logs/apache_runtime_status
- Content handlers: application/x-httpd-php
, application/x-httpd-php-source
, text/html
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Child Exit
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- php_value - PHP Value Modifier
- php_flag - PHP Flag Modifier
- php_admin_value - PHP Value Modifier (Admin)
- php_admin_flag - PHP Flag Modifier (Admin)
- PHPINIDir - Directory containing the php.ini file
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- Define - Define a configuration variable
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- Header - an action, header and value
- ErrorHeader - an action, header and value
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- ExpiresActive - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
- ExpiresBytype - a MIME type followed by an expiry date code
- ExpiresDefault - an expiry date code
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: redirect-handler
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Child Init, Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Translate Path, Check Type, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- RewriteEngine - On or Off to enable or disable (default) the whole rewriting engine
- RewriteOptions - List of option strings to set
- RewriteBase - the base URL of the per-directory context
- RewriteCond - an input string and a to be applied regexp-pattern
- RewriteRule - an URL-applied regexp-pattern and a substitution URL
- RewriteMap - a mapname and a filename
- RewriteLock - the filename of a lockfile used for inter-process synchronization
- RewriteLog - the filename of the rewriting logfile
- RewriteLogLevel - the level of the rewriting logfile verbosity (0=none, 1=std, .., 9=max)
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: proxy-server
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Post-Read Request, Translate Path, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- ProxyRequests - on if the true proxy requests should be accepted
- ProxyRemote - a scheme, partial URL or '*' and a proxy server
- ProxyPass - a virtual path and a URL
- ProxyPassReverse - a virtual path and a URL for reverse proxy behaviour
- ProxyBlock - A list of names, hosts or domains to which the proxy will not connect
- ProxyReceiveBufferSize - Receive buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
- ProxyIOBufferSize - IO buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
- NoProxy - A list of domains, hosts, or subnets to which the proxy will connect directly
- ProxyDomain - The default intranet domain name (in absence of a domain in the URL)
- AllowCONNECT - A list of ports which CONNECT may connect to
- ProxyPreserveHost - on if the host header should be preserved while proxying
- CacheRoot - The directory to store cache files
- CacheSize - The maximum disk space used by the cache in Kb
- CacheMaxExpire - The maximum time in hours to cache a document
- CacheDefaultExpire - The default time in hours to cache a document
- CacheLastModifiedFactor - The factor used to estimate Expires date from LastModified date
- CacheGcInterval - The interval between garbage collections, in hours
- CacheDirLevels - The number of levels of subdirectories in the cache
- CacheDirLength - The number of characters in subdirectory names
- NoCache - A list of names, hosts or domains for which caching is *not* provided
- CacheForceCompletion - Force a http cache completion after this percentage is loaded
- ProxyVia - Configure Via: proxy header header to one of: on | off | block | full
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: server-info
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- AddModuleInfo - a module name and additional information on that module
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: application/x-httpd-fcgi
, fastcgi-script
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Child Init, Create Directory Config
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Access, Verify User ID, Verify User Access, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- AppClass -
- FastCgiServer -
- ExternalAppClass -
- FastCgiExternalServer -
- FastCgiIpcDir -
- FastCgiSuexec -
- FastCgiWrapper -
- FCGIConfig -
- FastCgiConfig -
- FastCgiAuthenticator - a fastcgi-script path (absolute or relative to ServerRoot) followed by an optional -compat
- FastCgiAuthenticatorAuthoritative - Set to 'off' to allow authentication to be passed along to lower modules upon failure
- FastCgiAuthorizer - a fastcgi-script path (absolute or relative to ServerRoot) followed by an optional -compat
- FastCgiAuthorizerAuthoritative - Set to 'off' to allow authorization to be passed along to lower modules upon failure
- FastCgiAccessChecker - a fastcgi-script path (absolute or relative to ServerRoot) followed by an optional -compat
- FastCgiAccessCheckerAuthoritative - Set to 'off' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules upon failure
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: mod_gzip_handler
, application/x-httpd-cgi
, cgi-script
, *
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Type
- Module Directives:
- mod_gzip_on - Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled.
- mod_gzip_add_header_count - Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s).
- mod_gzip_keep_workfiles - Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used.
- mod_gzip_dechunk - Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary.
- mod_gzip_min_http - Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1
- mod_gzip_minimum_file_size - Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression
- mod_gzip_maximum_file_size - Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression
- mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size - Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression.
- mod_gzip_temp_dir - The directory to use for work files and compression cache
- mod_gzip_item_include -
ARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]
- mod_gzip_item_exclude -
ARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]
- mod_gzip_command_version - User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command.
- mod_gzip_can_negotiate - Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate.
- mod_gzip_handle_methods - mod_gzip_handle_methods GET|POST [GET|POST]
- mod_gzip_static_suffix - mod_gzip_static_suffix suffix
- mod_gzip_send_vary - mod_gzip_send_vary on|off
- mod_gzip_update_static - mod_gzip_update_static yes|no
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: */*
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- BandWidth - a domain (or ip, or all for all) and a bandwidth limit (in bytes/s)
- MinBandWidth - a domain (or ip, or all for all) and a minimal bandwidth limit (in bytes/s)
- LargeFileLimit - a filesize (in Kbytes) and a bandwidth limit (in bytes/s)
- MaxConnection - A number of allowed simultaneous connections
- BandWidthModule - On or Off to enable or disable (default) the whole bandwidth module
- BandWidthPulse - a number of microseconds
- BandWidthDataDir - A writable directory where temporary bandwidth info is to be stored
- Current Configuration:
- Module Name: mod_security.c
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Child Init, Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Fixups, Logging
- Module Directives:
- SecFilter - The filtering expression
- SecFilterDebugLog - The filename of the filter debugging log file
- SecFilterDebugLevel - The level of the debugging log file verbosity
- SecFilterSelective - The variable representing areas where filtering is wanted, the filtering regular expression and optional action to take on match
- SecFilterEngine - On, Off, or DynamicOnly to determine when will request be filtered
- SecServerResponseToken - On or Off to set whether the mod_security token will appear in the server signature
- SecFilterScanPOST - On or Off to set whether a request body will be processed
- SecFilterDefaultAction - The default action to take on rule match
- SecFilterSignatureAction - Base action template for signatures that follow this directive
- SecFilterInheritance - On or Off to set whether rules from the parent context will be inherited
- SecAuditEngine - On, Off, RelevantOnly or DynamicOrRelevent to determine the level of audit logging
- SecAuditLog - The filename of the audit log file
- SecUploadDir - The path to the directory where uploaded files should be stored
- SecUploadKeepFiles - On or Off to choose whether to keep the uploaded files or not
- SecUploadApproveScript - The path to the script that will be called to approve every uploaded file
- SecFilterCheckURLEncoding - On or Off to set whether URL encoding validation will be performed
- SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding - On or Off to set whether Unicode encoding validation will be performed
- SecFilterForceByteRange - The first and the last byte value of the range that will be accepted
- SecChrootDir - The path of the directory to which server will be chrooted
- SecChrootLock - The filename of the lock file used during the chroot process, defaults to "logs/modsec_chroot.lock"
- SecServerSignature - The new signature of the server
- SecFilterNormalizeCookies - On or Off to determine whether cookie values will be normalized for testing, defaults to On
- SecFilterCheckCookieFormat - On or Off to determine whether cookie format will be checked. Defaults to On
- SecFilterCookieFormat - version of the Cookie specification to use for parsing. Possible values are 0 and 1.
- SecCharset - Configures the charset
- SecFilterImport - imports a rule from the parent configuration context.
- SecFilterRemove - removes a rule that was inherited from the parent configuration context.
- SecFilterInheritanceMandatory - when this directive is set to On then the rules in the parent context cannot be removed from a child context.
- SecGuardianLog - The filename of the filter debugging log file
- SecAuditLogType - whether to use the old audit log format (Serial) or new (Concurrent)
- SecAuditLogStorageDir - path to the audit log storage area; absolute, or relative to the root of the server
- SecAuditLogParts - list of audit log parts that go into the log.
- SecAuditLogRelevantStatus - regular expression that will be used to determine if the response status is relevant for audit logging
- SecFilterActionsRestricted - whether to allow rules to override SecFiltersDefaultAction configuration
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: mod_ssl:content-handler
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Child Init, Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Post-Read Request, Translate Path, Check Access, Verify User ID, Verify User Access, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- SSLMutex - SSL lock for handling internal mutual exclusions (`none', `file:/path/to/file')
- SSLPassPhraseDialog - SSL dialog mechanism for the pass phrase query (`builtin', `exec:/path/to/program')
- SSLSessionCache - SSL Session Cache storage (`none', `dbm:/path/to/file')
- SSLRandomSeed - SSL Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) seeding source (`startup|connect builtin|file:/path|exec:/path [bytes]')
- SSLEngine - SSL switch for the protocol engine (`on', `off')
- SSLCipherSuite - Colon-delimited list of permitted SSL Ciphers (`XXX:...:XXX' - see manual)
- SSLCertificateFile - SSL Server Certificate file (`/path/to/file' - PEM or DER encoded)
- SSLCertificateKeyFile - SSL Server Private Key file (`/path/to/file' - PEM or DER encoded)
- SSLCertificateChainFile - SSL Server CA Certificate Chain file (`/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)
- SSLCACertificatePath - SSL CA Certificate path (`/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded files)
- SSLCACertificateFile - SSL CA Certificate file (`/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)
- SSLCARevocationPath - SSL CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) path (`/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded files)
- SSLCARevocationFile - SSL CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file (`/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)
- SSLVerifyClient - SSL Client verify type (`none', `optional', `require', `optional_no_ca')
- SSLVerifyDepth - SSL Client verify depth (`N' - number of intermediate certificates)
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout - SSL Session Cache object lifetime (`N' - number of seconds)
- SSLLog - SSL logfile for SSL-related messages (`/path/to/file', `|/path/to/program')
- SSLLogLevel - SSL logfile verbosity level (`none', `error', `warn', `info', `debug')
- SSLProtocol - Enable or disable various SSL protocols(`[+-][SSLv2|SSLv3|TLSv1] ...' - see manual)
- SSLOptions - Set one of more options to configure the SSL engine(`[+-]option[=value] ...' - see manual)
- SSLRequireSSL - Require the SSL protocol for the per-directory context (no arguments)
- SSLRequire - Require a boolean expression to evaluate to true for granting access(arbitrary complex boolean expression - see manual)
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Access
- Module Directives:
- KeyNotePolicy - Add a KeyNote policy file
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Post-Read Request, Header Parse
- Module Directives:
- SetEnvIf - A header-name, regex and a list of variables.
- SetEnvIfNoCase - a header-name, regex and a list of variables.
- BrowserMatch - A browser regex and a list of variables.
- BrowserMatchNoCase - A browser regex and a list of variables.
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- LoadModule - a module name and the name of a shared object file to load it from
- LoadFile - shared object file or library to load into the server at runtime
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config
- Request Phase Participation:
Verify User ID, Verify User Access
- Module Directives:
- AuthUserFile - text file containing user IDs and passwords
- AuthGroupFile - text file containing group names and member user IDs
- AuthAuthoritative - Set to 'off' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules if the UserID is not known to this module
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Access
- Module Directives:
- order - 'allow,deny', 'deny,allow', or 'mutual-failure'
- allow - 'from' followed by hostnames or IP-address wildcards
- deny - 'from' followed by hostnames or IP-address wildcards
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Translate Path, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- Alias - a fakename and a realname
- ScriptAlias - a fakename and a realname
- Redirect - an optional status, then document to be redirected and destination URL
- AliasMatch - a regular expression and a filename
- ScriptAliasMatch - a regular expression and a filename
- RedirectMatch - an optional status, then a regular expression and destination URL
- RedirectTemp - a document to be redirected, then the destination URL
- RedirectPermanent - a document to be redirected, then the destination URL
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config
- Request Phase Participation:
Translate Path
- Module Directives:
- UserDir - the
public subdirectory in users' home directories, or 'disabled', or
'disabled username username...', or 'enabled username username...'
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: */*
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- Action - a media type followed by a script name
- Script - a method followed by a script name
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: application/x-httpd-imap
, imap-file
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- ImapMenu - the type of menu generated: none, formatted, semiformatted, unformatted
- ImapDefault - the action taken if no match: error, nocontent, referer, menu, URL
- ImapBase - the base for all URL's: map, referer, URL (or start of)
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: httpd/send-as-is
, send-as-is
- Configuration Phase Participation:
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives: none
- Content handlers: application/x-httpd-cgi
, cgi-script
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- ScriptLog - the name of a log for script debugging info
- ScriptLogLength - the maximum length (in bytes) of the script debug log
- ScriptLogBuffer - the maximum size (in bytes) to record of a POST request
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: httpd/unix-directory
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- DirectoryIndex - a list of file names
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: httpd/unix-directory
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- AddIcon - an icon URL followed by one or more filenames
- AddIconByType - an icon URL followed by one or more MIME types
- AddIconByEncoding - an icon URL followed by one or more content encodings
- AddAlt - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more filenames
- AddAltByType - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more MIME types
- AddAltByEncoding - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more content encodings
- IndexOptions - one or more index options
- IndexOrderDefault - {Ascending,Descending} {Name,Size,Description,Date}
- IndexIgnore - one or more file extensions
- AddDescription - Descriptive text followed by one or more filenames
- HeaderName - a filename
- ReadmeName - a filename
- FancyIndexing - Limited to 'on' or 'off' (superseded by IndexOptions FancyIndexing)
- DefaultIcon - an icon URL
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: text/x-server-parsed-html
, text/x-server-parsed-html3
, server-parsed
, text/html
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- XBitHack - Off, On, or Full
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: application/x-httpd-status
, server-status
- Configuration Phase Participation:
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- ExtendedStatus - "On" to enable extended status information, "Off" to disable
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: application/x-type-map
, type-map
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Type, Fixups
- Module Directives:
- CacheNegotiatedDocs - no arguments (either present or absent)
- LanguagePriority - space-delimited list of MIME language abbreviations
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Check Type
- Module Directives:
- AddType - a mime type followed by one or more file extensions
- AddEncoding - an encoding (e.g., gzip), followed by one or more file extensions
- AddCharset - a charset (e.g., iso-2022-jp), followed by one or more file extensions
- AddLanguage - a language (e.g., fr), followed by one or more file extensions
- AddHandler - a handler name followed by one or more file extensions
- ForceType - a media type
- RemoveHandler - one or more file extensions
- RemoveEncoding - one or more file extensions
- RemoveType - one or more file extensions
- SetHandler - a handler name
- TypesConfig - the MIME types config file
- DefaultLanguage - language to use for documents with no other language file extension
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- CustomLog - a file name, a custom log format string or format name, and an optional "env=" clause (see docs)
- TransferLog - the filename of the access log
- LogFormat - a log format string (see docs) and an optional format name
- CookieLog - the filename of the cookie log
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: none
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
- Module Directives:
- PassEnv - a list of environment variables to pass to CGI.
- SetEnv - an environment variable name and a value to pass to CGI.
- UnsetEnv - a list of variables to remove from the CGI environment.
- Current Configuration:
- Content handlers: */*
, default-handler
- Configuration Phase Participation:
Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
- Request Phase Participation:
Translate Path, Check Access, Check Type
- Module Directives:
- Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
- - Marks end of
- Container to map directives to a particular virtual host, takes one or more host addresses
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
- - Marks end of
- Container for authentication directives when accessed using specified HTTP methods
- - Marks end of
- Container for authentication
directives to be applied when any HTTP method other than those
specified is used to access the resource
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives based on existance of specified modules
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives based on existance of command line defines
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
- - Marks end of
- Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
- - Marks end of
- AuthType - An HTTP authorization type (e.g., "Basic")
- AuthName - The authentication realm (e.g. "Members Only")
- AuthDigestRealmSeed - An authentication token which should be different for each logical realm. A random value or the servers IP may be a good choise.
- Require - Selects which authenticated users or groups may access a protected space
- Satisfy - access policy if both allow and require used ('all' or 'any')
- AddDefaultCharset - The name of the default charset to add to any Content-Type without one or 'Off' to disable
- AccessFileName - Name(s) of per-directory config files (default: .htaccess)
- DocumentRoot - Root directory of the document tree
- ErrorDocument - Change responses for HTTP errors
- AllowOverride - Controls what groups of directives can be configured by per-directory config files
- Options - Set a number of attributes for a given directory
- DefaultType - the default MIME type for untypable files
- ServerType - 'inetd' or 'standalone'
- Port - A TCP port number
- HostnameLookups - "on" to enable, "off" to disable reverse DNS lookups, or "double" to enable double-reverse DNS lookups
- User - Effective user id for this server
- Group - Effective group id for this server
- ServerAdmin - The email address of the server administrator
- ServerName - The hostname of the server
- ServerSignature - En-/disable server signature (on|off|email)
- ServerRoot - Common directory of server-related files (logs, confs, etc.)
- ErrorLog - The filename of the error log
- PidFile - A file for logging the server process ID
- ScoreBoardFile - A file for Apache to maintain runtime process management information
- LockFile - The lockfile used when Apache needs to lock the accept() call
- AccessConfig - The filename of the access config file
- ResourceConfig - The filename of the resource config file
- ServerAlias - A name or names alternately used to access the server
- ServerPath - The pathname the server can be reached at
- Timeout - Timeout duration (sec)
- KeepAliveTimeout - Keep-Alive timeout duration (sec)
- MaxKeepAliveRequests - Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests per connection, or 0 for infinite
- KeepAlive - Whether persistent connections should be On or Off
- IdentityCheck - Enable identd (RFC 1413) user lookups - SLOW
- ContentDigest - whether or not to send a Content-MD5 header with each request
- UseCanonicalName - How to work out the ServerName : Port when constructing URLs
- StartServers - Number of child processes launched at server startup
- MinSpareServers - Minimum number of idle children, to handle request spikes
- MaxSpareServers - Maximum number of idle children
- MaxServers - Deprecated equivalent to MaxSpareServers
- ServersSafetyLimit - Deprecated equivalent to MaxClients
- MaxClients - Maximum number of children alive at the same time
- MaxRequestsPerChild - Maximum number of requests a particular child serves before dying.
- MaxCPUPerChild - Maximum amount of CPU time a child can use (rlimit).
- MaxDATAPerChild - Maximum size of the data segment for a child process (rlimit).
- MaxNOFILEPerChild - Maximum number of open file descriptors a child can have (rlimit).
- MaxRSSPerChild - Maximum amount of physical memory a child can use (rlimit).
- MaxSTACKPerChild - Maximum amount of stack space a child can use (rlimit).
- RLimitCPU - Soft/hard limits for max CPU usage in seconds
- RLimitMEM - Soft/hard limits for max memory usage per process
- RLimitNPROC - soft/hard limits for max number of processes per uid
- RLimitNOFILE - soft/hard limits for max number of files per process
- BindAddress - '*', a numeric IP address, or the name of a host with a unique IP address
- Listen - A port number or a numeric IP address and a port number
- SendBufferSize - Send buffer size in bytes
- AddModule - The name of a module
- ClearModuleList -
- ThreadsPerChild - Number of threads a child creates
- ExcessRequestsPerChild - Maximum number of requests a particular child serves after it is ready to die.
- ListenBacklog - Maximum length of the queue of pending connections, as used by listen(2)
- AcceptFilter - Switch AcceptFiltering on/off (default is on).This feature is currently not compiled in; so this directive is ignored.
- CoreDumpDirectory - The location of the directory Apache changes to before dumping core
- Include - Name of the config file to be included
- LogLevel - Level of verbosity in error logging
- NameVirtualHost - A numeric IP address:port, or the name of a host
- CGICommandArgs - Allow or Disallow CGI requests to pass args on the command line
- ServerTokens - Tokens displayed in the Server: header - Min[imal], OS, Prod[uctOnly], Full
- LimitRequestLine - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request line
- LimitRequestFieldsize - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request header field
- LimitRequestFields - Limit (0 = unlimited) on max number of header fields in a request message
- LimitRequestBody - Limit (in bytes) on maximum size of request message body
- ProtocolReqCheck - Enable strict checking of Protocol type in requests
- ShmemUIDisUser - Enable the setting of SysV shared memory scoreboard uid/gid to User/Group
- AcceptMutex - Serialized Accept Mutex; the methods 'sysvsem' 'flock' are compiled in
- FileETag - Specify components used to construct a file's ETag
- LimitInternalRecursion - maximum recursion depth of internal redirects and subrequests
- Current Configuration:
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