分类: C/C++
2011-03-31 10:15:17
Data Members
Usually contains the operating-system file handle.通常包含操作系统文件句柄 |
Constructs a CFile object from a path or file handle.从1个文件路径或文件句柄构造1个CFile对象 |
Closes a file and deletes the object.关闭1个文件并删除该文件对象 |
Safely opens a file with an error-testing option.安全地打开文件(具有错误测试选项) |
Reads (unbuffered) data from a file at the current file position.从文件的当前文件位置读数据(非缓冲) |
Writes (unbuffered) data in a file to the current file position.将数据写到文件的当前位置(非缓冲) |
Positions the current file pointer.改变文件指针的位置 |
Positions the current file pointer at the beginning of the file.将文件指针移动到文件开始的地方 |
Positions the current file pointer at the end of the file.将文件指针移动到文件结束的地方 |
Retrieves the filename of the selected file.获取选定的文件的文件名称 |
Retrieves the full file path of the selected file.获取选定文件的完整路径(包括目录和文件名) |
Retrieves the title of the selected file.获取选定文件的标题 |
Retrieves the current file pointer.获取当前文件指针的位置 |
Sets the full file path of the selected file.设置选定文件完整的路径 |
Deletes the specified file (static function).删除指定的文件(静态函数) |
Renames the specified file (static function).修改指定文件的名称(静态函数) |
class CFile : public CObject
// Flag values
enum OpenFlags {
modeRead = (int) 0x00000,
modeWrite = (int) 0x00001,
modeReadWrite = (int) 0x00002,
shareCompat = (int) 0x00000,
shareExclusive = (int) 0x00010,
shareDenyWrite = (int) 0x00020,
shareDenyRead = (int) 0x00030,
shareDenyNone = (int) 0x00040,
modeNoInherit = (int) 0x00080,
modeCreate = (int) 0x01000,
modeNoTruncate = (int) 0x02000,
typeText = (int) 0x04000, // typeText and typeBinary are
typeBinary = (int) 0x08000, // used in derived classes only
osNoBuffer = (int) 0x10000,
osWriteThrough = (int) 0x20000,
osRandomAccess= (int) 0x40000,
osSequentialScan= (int) 0x80000,
enum Attribute {
normal = 0x00,
readOnly= 0x01,
hidden = 0x02,
system = 0x04,
volume = 0x08,
directory= 0x10,
archive = 0x20
enum SeekPosition { begin = 0x0, current = 0x1, end = 0x2 };
// Constructors
CFile(HANDLE hFile);
CFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags); //LPCTSTR是C结束符的字符串的指针
// Attributes
HANDLE m_hFile;
virtual ULONGLONG GetPosition() const;
virtual CString GetFileName() const;
virtual CString GetFileTitle() const;
virtual CString GetFilePath() const;
// Operations
virtual BOOL Open(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pError = NULL);
static void PASCAL Rename(LPCTSTR lpszOldName, LPCTSTR lpszNewName);
static void PASCAL Remove(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);
void SeekToBegin();
// Overridables
virtual CFile* Duplicate() const;
virtual ULONGLONG Seek(LONGLONG lOff, UINT nFrom);
virtual UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nCount);
virtual void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nCount);
virtual void Close();
// Implementation
virtual ~CFile();
BOOL m_bCloseOnDelete;
CString m_strFileName;