just want to share the installation instructions.
you'll need some developer software like: gcc-dev
so: pkg install gcc-dev sunstudioexpress
hg clone ssh://anon@hg.opensolaris.org/hg/fuse/libfuse
hg clone ssh://anon@hg.opensolaris.org/hg/fuse/fusefs
$ cd libfuse/
$ export PATH=/opt/SunStudioExpress/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
$ make
$ make install
$ make pkg
$ cd ../fusefs/kernel
$ make
$ make install
$ make pkg
$ pfexec /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d packages SUNWfusefs
$ pfexec /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d ../../libfuse/packages SUNWlibfuse
$ cd fusefs/kernel/
$ wget
$ gtar xf ntfs-3g-1.2717.tgz
$ export CC=gcc
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ pfexec make install
how to find you ntfs partision? here's an example:
$ pfexec format
0. c4d0
1. c4d1
2. c5d1
3. c6t0d0
Specify disk (enter its number):
- now enter your first disk numer like 0
then enter fdisk, and you will see something like:
Partition Status Type Start End Length %
========= ====== ============ ===== === ====== ===
1 IFS: NTFS 0 1274 1275 26
2 Active Solaris2 1275 4995 3721 74
now quit fdisk & format (enter 6 and then quit)
so: disk you selected (c5d0) + p1
now we can mount it:
$ pfexec ntfs-3g /dev/dsk/c4d0p1 /mnt/windows/
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