Do coding with ctags and cscope plugin,vim could become an IDE for prgrammer under linux,like source insight for windows users.
sudo apt-get install ctags cscopeMy .vimrc file under ~/
文件: | vimrc.tar.gz |
大小: | 2KB |
下载: | 下载 |
My vim directory under ~/
文件: | vim.tar.gz |
大小: | 2268KB |
下载: | 下载 |
Preparationcd source_dir
ctags -R
cscope -Rbq
:set tags=tags
:cs add cscope.out
CtagsFor example,I want to see where does the
function rtsp_streaming_start() locate
and how does it realize,just move the cursor to the expression
rtsp_streaming_start,press the key 'ctrl+]' and 'ctrl+t' to turn back if you want.
CscopeCtags can not help find who call the function.Now cscope come.
press 'ctrl+\+c'
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