Firstly,I'll introduce a web site where has a lot of APK(Android PacKages) files.
Take Disney-Wallpapers apk from as an example to show how to install on emulator...
1、Run the Android emulator
2、Copy the apk file to your $SDK_ROOT/tools,mine is /home/djstava/Workshop/android-sdk-linux_86
3、Enter the directory $SDK_ROOT/tools,and run the following command to install the apk file
cd /home/djstava/Workshop/android-sdk-linux_86/tools
./adb install Disney_Wallpapers.apk
4、In this case,shutdown the abd server and restart manually
./adb kill-server
./adb start-server
5、Reinstall the apk
./adb install Disney_Wallpapers.apk
6、Check on the emulator
7、Uninstall the app
cd /home/djstava/Workshop/android-sdk-linux_86/tools
./adb shell
cd data
cd app
rm *.apk
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