I have cron-apt
set up on all my machines — you can get it to install any updates automatically but that sounds like Bad News to me, so instead it’s set to download and email me. I had a script that took names-of-machines-to-upgrade as arguments and did the rest for me, but that involved typing up to 50 machine names. And I am lazy.
So I finally got around to writing a script that parses a local mailbox, grabs the machine names from the subject lines, and does the rest from there. My involvement now is:
- Get Thunderbird to show me only the cron-apt emails (via tag filter — tags are automatically applied).
- Quick check of the emails to make sure nothing outrageous is going to happen.
- Select all, hit Ctrl-6 to move them to the special mailbox ( allows you to allocate up to 10 mailboxes to key combinations).
- Find terminal window, run script.
Note that in an ideal world I’d be using Net::SSH::Perl to check for the root ssh key, but I was having problems with CPAN when I wrote this.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $homedir = "/home/user"; my $file = "$homedir/mail/aptget"; my $sshkey = "$homedir/.ssh/key"; my $cmd = "apt-get -y upgrade"; my @hosts;
sub runcommand();
open FILE,"+<$file";
# Subject line looks like:
# Subject: CRON-APT completed on machinename [/etc/cron-apt/config]
while () { next unless /CRON-APT completed/; my @line = split; my $hostname = $line[4]; push @hosts, $hostname; }
# Check if sshkey is in ssh list & add it if not
if (`ssh-add -l` =~ /.* $sshkey/) { runcommand(); } else { `ssh-add $sshkey`; runcommand(); `ssh-add -d $sshkey`; }
print FILE ""; close FILE;
sub runcommand() { foreach my $host (@hosts) { print "Host is: $host\n"; system("ssh root\@$host -i $sshkey $cmd"); } }
Friday January 18, 2008 6:31AM by in Technical
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