2008-02-07 10:05:02
I'm sure if you're responsible for any server connected to the Internet with a "real" IP address, or if you port forward :22 to a box on your LAN, your logs will contain a lot of failed SSH attempts. Here we'll look at some simple solutions.
The logged entries will probably look something like the following:
sshd[22768]: Invalid user carol from sshd[22770]: Invalid user carolr from sshd[22772]: Invalid user sergi from sshd[22774]: Invalid user quala from
Now these are an annoyance, but not much of a concern, as none of these usernames exist on my system - its just filling up my logs, nothing more.
There are other more alarming messages hiding in your logs too, like these:
sshd[17810]: Failed password for root from port 44229 ssh2 sshd[17811]: Failed password for root from port 38154 ssh2 sshd[17814]: pam_unix(ssh:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root sshd[17815]: pam_unix(ssh:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root
Both of these logs come from different physical boxes, with IPs located in totally different /16's and yet it is the same IP address attacking both? Scary! Even more worrying is the fact the attacks are many hours apart, this guy has been hammering hundreds or thousands of servers all day...
What happens if they eventually get lucky? The "best case" scenario is they get an unprivileged account on your system, with which they can:
If they end up with root@yourserver, things get more interesting - they can literally do anything they want with the box. You're screwed. Really.
Every single decision you ever make about these sort of issues will involve balancing usability and accessibility vs. security and safety. There are lots of options available to you, some more "annoying" to real users than others.
Simply put this is "apt-get install denyhosts" and the default configuration is pretty good. It'll send you alert e-mails if you want them and the level at which block compromised IPs with /etc/hosts.deny is tunable.
A simple firewall rule can totally drop all traffic to your SSH server if the traffic isn't coming from your IP.
This is often overlooked, but a real winner. Ensure that all accounts on your system have strong passwords using cracklib.
Generating these passwords is , to make really strong passwords invoke like so: "pwgen -syB 23"
Remembering all these strong passwords can be a chore. Often when you're dealing with 2-3+ boxes it's easier to just install the public part of a certificate in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Then you may authenticate to the server with your private key.
Simply put: drop your key in authorized_keys and try to login by doing "ssh -i key.file user@your.hostname.here". Once you have this working you can .
Using options such as "AllowGroups" to limit the users which are considered valid for logins, regardless of the shell which may be set in /etc/passwd.
Perhaps run the daemon on a non-standard port so that scans only looking at :22 don't detect you're even running SSH.
Most of the things suggested above are covered in manual pages and other articles on this site, I am planning to write up some more in-depth coverage as part of this series, including coverage of sshd_config "Best Practice", cracklib and PAM, authentication using public key, etc.
This is the first article I've written in a long time, hope you enjoyed it.
For reference you might want to take a look at our earlier collection of advice upon Keeping SSH access secure.
Posted by on Thu 10 Jan 2008 at 10:50