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2008-01-17 09:22:31

Firewall Builder Release Notes

Version 2.1.16

Released 12/20/2007
GUI and compilers v2.1.16 require API library libfwbuilder version 2.1.16


Unfortunate bug introduced in 2.1.15 that broke generated firewall script for iptables in case option "use iptables-restore" was on is fixed in this release. Additional checks were added to the generated script for iptables to improve error detection and make sure the GUI properly detects when it terminates with error. Support for load balancing with PF was also added.

For those who wish to build from source, instructions are outlined in the document "Install and Build instructions" on our web site

The GUI code is in the freeze for QT4 conversion. I will fix bugs in policy compilers but will try to avoid changes in the GUI. New GUI based on QT4 will be released next spring when KDE4 is included in all major Linux distributions and FreeBSD. There will be bugfix releases for v2.1 if necessary.

Improvements and bug fixes in the GUI

  • patch #1849500: "tooltip patch for tcpservicedialog_q.ui". Additional tooltips in the TCP Service dialog to explain function of tcp flags masks and settings.
  • fixed bug #1850346: "GUI has 2 views on which actions should be stateless". Even though GUI made rules with action Route stateful by default, code that determined if combination of options of a given policy rules was default thought these rules should be stateless.
  • applied patch #1850368: 'PF 3.7 has support for "set skip on"'. Patch by extends support for "set skip on" option to pf 3.7.
  • fixed bug #1850352: "Install script wrongly completes successful". Added more checks to the installer scriptlet to make it properly terminate with non-zero error code if iptables-restore returned error. Previously "echo" in the end of the generated masked error code returned by iptables-restore and made the GUI report successfull install even when it terminated with an error. Also added test for the presence of pkill on the system so that the script does not try to run it if it is not available.

Improvements and bug fixes in the policy importer for iptables

  • fixed bug #1849328: "iptables restore unusable in 2.1.15". This bug was introduced by the change for the bug #1812295. If option "use iptables-restore to activate policy" is on, we always generate script that prints iptables commands using echo and sends them to the input of iptables-restore via pipe.
  • fixed bug 1848204: "ULOG-Setting ignored for invalid packets", applied patch #1848609 provided by reporter. Code that matched and logged packets in state INVALID always used target LOG, which was a problem for iptables installations that only come with target ULOG.
  • Applied patch 1835308: "Patch for adding "-q" option to fwb_ipt". Option "-q" suppresses timestamp that is normally included in the generated script. This way, if no objects or rules changed in the firewall builder, generated script will be exactly the same. Timestamps made generated script different even if nothing really changed in the objects, which made external version control systems detect changes when there were none.
  • bug #1850352: "Install script wrongly completes successful". Storing exit status of iptables-restore so that generated firewall script can return the same status after it executes commands that set kernel parameters and runs user-defined epilog code.
  • fixed bug #1851166: "Installscript does not test for destination ip address". The problem affected specific case of a firewall with two (or more) interfaces that get their address dynamically and a policy rule that has one such interface in source and another in destination. Generated iptables script retrieves actual addresses of both interfaces and assigns them to variables, then uses these variables in actual iptables rules. Special check is provided in case some interface did not obtain any ip address at a time of execution of the script. Previously such test was only done for one dynamic interface per rule. This change makes the script check for both.

Improvements and bug fixes in the policy importer for PF

  • applied patch #1850368: 'PF 3.7 has support for "set skip on"'. Patch by extends support for "set skip on" option to pf 3.7.
  • applied patch #1850357: "Add support fo load balancing with pf to PolicyRule::Route" by Tom Judge ( that adds support for load balancing rules in PF. Extended the patch adding support for address/netmask format of the next hop. Added checks for illegal IP addresses and netmasks in the next hop.
Firewall Builder,这是一个完善的多平台的图形化的防火墙配置和管理工具。它运行在iptables、 ipfilter、 OpenBSD的 PF、思科的PIX之上。通过设计,它将规则设计的细节隐藏起来,而着重于编写策略。不过,不要在你真实的防火墙上运行防火墙生成器,因为它需要X Windows。你需要将其运行在一台工作站上,然后将脚本复制到防火墙上。
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