advanced topic in shell programming
1. array
modern shell supports types in array.
there are 3 majors ways to create array
declare -a myarray
initialize value:
area3=([17]=seventeen [24]=twenty-four)
array=( element1 element2 elementN )
#you can use command output to initialize an array
#remember to declare it as array
array1=( `cat "$filename"`)
operations on array
echo ${string[@]}
echo ${#string[@]}
echo ${string[1]} #index can be literal or variable(without $)
2. indirect reference
there are some cases, you need variable name from a variable.
you intend to get c with $$a, first $a is transformed to b, then $b get the result of c
there are two ways to handle this.
1. traditional way:
eval f=\$$a
2. bash way
shell use ${!indirect} to get pointer
to solve above issues, you may use
3. list operation
there are cases when you often use if and else to run a sequence of commands check previous steps return code
before you proceed.
a good habit to avoid complex if/then/else is using && and || glue.
or operation
command-1 || command-2 || command-3 || ... command-n
Each command executes in turn for as long as the previous command returns false.
and operation
command-1 && command-2 && command-3 && ... command-n
Each command executes in turn, provided that the previous command has given a return value of
true (zero).
4. process substitution
we have some concepts about input redirect and output redirect
but sometimes, it's not enough, we need multiple input from different files.
to command, above process substitution looks like they are two files. and command acting on the files
for example:
uniq <(sort a)
underlying the scene, shell sort file a and store it into some temp file /proc/pid/n, then
uniq acts on /proc/pid/n
5. options
-o verbose or -v
will echo commands
debug mode
-o posix
posix compatable
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