The Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements the Server Message Block (commonly abbreviated as SMB) protocol for UNIX systems. This protocol is sometimes also referred to as the Common Internet File System (CIFS).
We can use the samba tools to shared files between linux and windows. The process of it is easy and the following shell scripts have introduced the process on debian3.1.
1.install the samba tools with command ( apt-get install samba )
2.create a linux system user called jack ( useradd jack && passwd jack )
3.create a samba server user, the user must is a user of the linux system ( smbpasswd jack )
4.modify the configuration of samba ( vi /etc/samba/smb.conf ), then find the homes field, replace the 'writable = no' with 'writable = yes'
5.create a folder named 'jack' in the system home directory ( mkdir /home/jack )
6.modify the file(vi /etc/passwd), and find the jack account to set the home directory.
7.restart the samba server( /etc/init.d/samba restart)
8.connect to the shared folder from windows.()
You may map a network drive to the shared folder by right clicking My Computer and set it with the helper of the guide
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