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2010-09-20 11:17:56

Slow Running His Way to Fitness Slow runners are accustomed to getting passed on the running trail. But the New York Times reporter John Schwartz has learned that slow and steady still wins the fitness race. He writes:

I’ve gotten used to the fact that when I’m huffing and puffing my way along the road, anybody else who is running the same path is probably going to pass me. Graybeards pass me. Teenagers pass me. A pregnant runner has passed me. Once, on a blazing afternoon in Austin as I ran along Lady Bird Lake, I noticed that the two women who had just passed me were walking.

My son, who is a splendid athlete, went running with me precisely once. After less than a mile, he said, “Dad, I’m going to peel off now, because I want to, you know, run.”

And that’s O.K. It’s not as if I were trying to win a race. Well, there was the time I struggled to keep an 11-year-old from beating me at the finish line in a 5K, but I’m not proud of that. As a fellow slow runner myself, I was inspired and amused by Mr. Schwartz’s experiences in the slow lane. Read the full story, “Happy to Be however the Tortoise in the Race to Fitness,” and then please join the discussion below.
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